Chapter 17 : The Christmas holiday

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Christmas was coming soon, causing a warm feeling and turning me into a little kid who was impatiently waiting for her gifts at the foot of the tree, wondering if Santa Claus had indeed received the gift list. 

Yet today, my reasons for this joy were no longer the same. The festivities meant for the students, but especially for the teachers, that it was time to take a break before starting the new year. Ever since I was offered the job at this prestigious university, day and night I counted the days remaining before the holidays. If you thought that only the students were looking forward to it, you were wrong, because professors are the first ones to run for their life, pack their bags and go away from here for a long time. 

As a result of this news, I had a smile on my face that was hard to hide since this morning when I arrived on campus. My colleagues looked at me strangely as if they had never seen me in such a good mood. On the contrary, it was rather I who should find them weird. How could you not jump around and throw your lesson sheets in the air?

But nothing could destroy this little joy I had in me. I was finally going to be able to rest, to leave this role that was pretending to be heartless and to do other activities that would pass the time. I have been preparing this itinerary for a few weeks by doing various researches either on the internet or in guidebooks. I had decided to go to another country during this vacation because I was sure I would need it.

Thailand was my destination. 

Being of Thai and Korean origin, I have always had two very distinct parts in me. My mother introduced me to Thai culture from a very young age. She used to take me to typical Thai markets where elderly women sold different vegetables that they themselves had planted in the back of their houses. It was incredible to be able to share the two cultures, which in the end were very distinct but they were part of me.

So I thought that going back to my second country would do me the greatest good. A few years ago, I had the opportunity to meet a wealthy villager. He had me guide me around the village where the trades were grouped together in small houses. Then, on my way to my guided tour, I came across a half-destroyed house. However, something attracted me to these wooden remains. I'm not the kind of person who goes shopping on a whim, but this time was an exception. I asked this villager if it was possible for me to buy the house if there was no owner. He was surprised because for years no one had been interested in doing anything with it. 

But I could see all the things I could get out of it. So I hired a group of workers in the area and explained to them what I wanted them to do. In just a few months, the house had come to life that some strangers had to stop in front of it to admire it. It still happens today that it is a kind of museum because some people stop to take pictures. A Thai family takes care of it while I am elsewhere. They live next door and I fully trust them. They are in charge of cleaning the house regularly and watering the plants around. 

Speaking of home, a notification appeared on the corner of my laptop that I had received an email. I saw the name of the family who had sent me a message asking when I was arriving so they could change the bed sheets. Attached were pictures taken from different angles. We could see the garden with my huge cactus, small plants that have grown along the stream.

All I wanted to do was to teleport right away, but my imagination was interrupted when my students began to enter the room making a noise that caused the furniture to shake slightly. 

"You're lucky I don't scold you with the noise you make because it's the last class before the holidays," 

Bad lust - JENLISANơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ