Chapter 3 : My favorite thing

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When I say that there is never really any coincidence in everything, it is because there is always a hidden reason behind it. I had made this reflection last night by reading the email that our literature professor had sent us. An email explaining the work instructions with the attached running order list. Ms. Manoban was undoubtedly a very organized person. She had taken the time to put our first and last names in a table with the time of day. There was no excuse to say that her list was incomprehensible. Today, we ended our day with her class, which allowed her to overrun the class time and honestly it was maybe not a bad idea, especially since I was the last one on the list to present my text. According to her email, she wanted to test our knowledge but also our posture and the flow of our voice. However, I may have been too trained to read between the lines but I only saw malicious perversity written.

I was sitting alone in front of the literature room with my text in hand. There was no one left in this building, everyone had gone home. I was trying to stick my ear to the door to listen to what was being said, but it is impossible for me to perceive even one sound. The minutes went by and I was beginning to lose patience. How could you spend so much time just reading a fucking piece of sheet? 

As if by chance, on social networks there was no exciting news for me to keep myself busy. My friends left as soon as they had presented their text. We were all supposed to meet at Yeeun's to spend the evening together. So I told them to leave beforehand so they could have food, drinks and especially popcorn. We often found ourselves having sleepovers because the five of us lived alone in an apartment. Our parents had the same excuses, they were always from one place to another. I didn't even know where mine were right now. So that's how we formed our own little family and that was enough for us.

"Jennie? It's your turn. Good luck,"a skinny guy with a big nose resembling the Hunchback of Notre Dame came out of the class with his head down. He looked completely devastated unlike earlier before entering the room. What happened so that he could be in this state?

"Miss Kim?"

"Y-Yes, I'm here sorry," I took my handbag and quickly walked in finding the most attractive professor sitting on one of our seats. She was wearing a grey shirt with her sleeves rolled up. Whenever she pressed her pen to write, her arms flexed and the veins appeared. It didn't take much to turn me on. 

Last update, I was still heterosexual, apparently.

"I hope you don't mind if we overrun a little. Do you have anything important planned after class?"

"No professor, it's totally fine," I was standing in front of her like I was passing a jury for a beauty contest. She sat with her legs apart and examined my outfit shamelessly. This attention I was getting was sending shivers down my spine.

"No offense, Miss Kim, but do you plan to dress with so few fabrics on you all year round?"

"In winter, I only put on a big coat and that's enough for me, I'm getting hot easily, you know," I innocently answered her when I saw something shine in her eyes.

"If you say so. Well, let's start with your text, please," she intertwined her fingers on the table. I hesitated to use my text but if I wanted to impress her, I had to surpass myself. My friends were right, Ms. Manoban was not playing and although she was young, she had already gained experience.

"Liaisons Dangereuses, La Philosophie dans le Boudoir, Gamiani ou deux nuits d'excès, French literary works that are worth reading even once in a lifetime, even if you are not a keen reader. The erotic works of the time were neat, pure and told in the form of poetry. Eroticism had its charm that could hardly attract today's readers because over the generations, people have lost this delicacy in their minds. Sex has become vulgar, it has lost all its other senses. I admire and thank these authors for taking their pen in hand and describing their visions of seeing things, especially the portrait of the woman. Times were not simple, at the slightest contradiction, they were banished from society or even burned with their books but they managed to slip eroticism differently in it. What I like above all is that in this sensuality there was also a dark romance, it was hardly a bed of roses with beautiful endings especially when it was a forbidden love, they were simply realistic," throughout the presentation, Ms. Manoban had not taken her eyes off mine. I was like caught and lost in her dark eyes. She had taken a few quick notes on her sheet in front of her but she had shown no sign of confusion or dissatisfaction, so it was a rather good sign.

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