Chapter 19 : An adventurous princess

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Lying flat on my stomach on the bed waiting for Lisa to finish her shower, I decided to make a phone call to my group of friends. I hoped they were not busy at the moment which is finally highly possible since we were in different countries. I knew that Soojin had gone to San Francisco with her stepsister, Daewhi had taken a last minute ticket to Punta Cana with his group of gay friends he met at a nightclub in Seoul. As for Sana and Yeeun, they were supposed to go on vacation with their families but each had a change of plans. They then decided to go on a city-trip to Osaka for a week. They had also asked me if I wanted to join them but I might have told them that I was going with my parents on a business trip. 

Yes, I know, lying is bad. 

But I didn't want to reveal my genius plan before it was properly accomplished. In fact, I don't know if I was prepared to explain to them how I ended up here because they would think I was crazy, for sure.

On the screen, a green dot appeared next to each of my friends' profile pictures, which meant that they were online. I'd put a call out to our Hotty Gang group. The first ones to answer were Sana and Yeeun. Yeeun was wearing a bathrobe with a towel wrapped around her wet hair while Sana was ready with a bowl of M&M's in her hand. 

"Hi girls! What's up? Getting ready to go somewhere?" I straightened up to put my back on the headboard with my laptop in my lap. I had plenty of time to talk to them before Lisa finished. I could still hear the streams of water that were probably running down her goddess body. Believe me, I know what I'm talking about. After being able to admire and feel her, one of my fantasies had come true yesterday evening. I came back to earth when I heard Sana's voice calling me through the screen.

"Bitch, are you listening to me? I said that Yeeun and I were going to eat seafood and take pictures," 

"Yes sorry, I was spacing out... thinking about something. Anyway, it sounds good. Don't forget to send me some pics," 

"You'll see the outfits we bought, it's so cute! But wait, where's Soojin and Daewhi?" as soon as she asked the question, their cameras turned on, showing Soojin in her evening dress and Daewhi with his face mask lying on the couch in some kind of bungalow.

"Damn Soo! You smoking hot with that dress!" Yeeun threw and we all agreed with her. Soojin was the hottest in our group. She was unintentionally sexy, but every time that chick made a move, your gay side had to come out.

"Lara and I had spotted a bar during our visit to the city, so we're going to go there because we're bored staying in the hotel," we waved as her stepsister walked behind her. It was great to see that she was getting along with her. 

"What's up Queen? Where are you so-gay friends?" I asked Daewhi seeing that he seemed to be alone in that room. Plus the light was dimmed so I couldn't see what was going on there.

"They're taking a shower. We just came back from the beach. Since it's late and it was quiet, we thought we'd swim in the darkness, it was cool," he explained, trying to articulate since his beauty mask prevented him from doing so.

"Gays always have the weirdest ideas," Sana took the remark out as a truth before eating her junk food again.

"But what about you Jen? How's it going with your parents? How would you describe this first business trip?" Soojin chuckled as she applied her lipstick.

"Yeah tell us what's so special in this trip that you have to refuse to go with us," Yeeun added. She was now sitting beside Sana and joined her by eating the M&M's in the bowl. 

"It's amazing here in Amsterdam! My parents and I rented a bike and we rode around the city. Then-"

"Jennie. How many times do I have to tell you not to mix your products with mine? I made sure to give you a space and you keep invading mine," Lisa complained without stopping to catch her breath but I wasn't really focused on what she was saying because my attention was drawn to the towel that was wrapping around her lower body but I could see her penis poking through. Unfortunately, she had already put on her sports bra but I could still enjoy those abs so well defined.

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