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Kenneth stood patiently outside his wife's office building waiting on her to walk out. Three weeks had passed since the meeting with Jessica and for most part of it she was cooperating with him. He had refunded her the money she used to go for checkups and would be paying for future visits. He had asked to be present at the birth and she agreed, so he had booked for her due date the best private hospital since she did not have medical aid.

' Ken, what are you doing here?'

Nkuli said with a pleasant smile on her face, she was not expecting him.

' Babe.'

He pulled her towards himself and kissed her passionately in view of everyone who came out if the building. It was lunchtime and most if not all her employees were out and whistling in appraisal at them.

' Have you forgotten about your appointment today?'

' No but I thought you might be busy to attend.'

' I'm no longer too busy for my family.'

Kenneth noticed the same car that was parked infront of his home months back pass a few feet away from them as they stood talking. The window was closed and he could not see who was inside but knew it was the same car.

' Hey? What are you looking at so intensely?'

' Nothing. Let's go before we miss our appointment.'

Kenneth had sat down with his son and they both apologised for their behaviour and were working on their relationship but Minnie on the other hand was still a bit afraid of him and only dealt with her mother.

' The baby is doing fine and growing well. I am just worried about mommy. She has a slightly elevated blood pressure but there's no protein in her urine so she is not yet eclamptic but I need her to rest. Like no stress or strenuous activities for atleast a week. I will give you till Tuesday. I need you here Wednesday afternoon for a review.'

' So no sex?'

Nkuli looked away embarrassed at her husband's question. Yes she was thinking it but she was not going to ask him. Kenneth was just bolder.

' You can but you will do most of the work.'

The old man replied with a smile.

' Fine by me.'

Nkuli protested when he demanded to carry her after they were done with the doctor but he was persistent and she eventually gave in.

' Walking is not strenuous Ken.'

' We cannot take any chances babe.'

He helped her buckle into her own seat before rushing to the driver's side. He called his assistant to tell her he was not coming in for the rest of the week and did the same for his wife and they were also not coming back that afternoon.

'I wish you hadn't done that. I have a meeting in thirty minutes-'

' Yeah she will hand it over to someone else. You're sick right now and my priority is you and my child.'

' I am not sick though and I can go to this meeting and hand over everything to my manager.'

' This is not your assistant and manager's first rodeo. They know exactly what to do in such a crisis and I would appreciate it if you did not argue with me on this. It's done.'

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