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' Kenny what is this?'

Nkuli was surprised to find her luggage packed and in the boot of his car. After two weeks in the hospital, treatment and a blood transfusion, Nkuli was discharged home to rest till her thirty -seven weeks was up. Once again she was at risk of having a cesarean section. The doctor had found that she had a rare case of placenta praevia. It was rare because the bleeding was accompanied by pain.

' Our bags. '

' Yeah I see that but why are they in your car?'

' Well after the doctor explained to me the stress you and the baby's were under and of how much danger you and the twins were in if you continued being under so much stress. I figured we could take a two week vacation.'

' Two weeks!? Kenny I have kids to take care of and a business too. I've already taken too much time off work and away from my kids.'

' The kids are fine with their grandparents where they have been since you've been here and I assure you everything at work is under control and even if it was not, you still were not going back till the boys are born.'

They were having two more boys and as much as she was happy she wished that they could have been different sex so she would have even numbers. Not really in the mood to argue with him, she got into the car and he drove them to the airport.

' How does Jessica feel about you leaving?'

' Jessica is not my wife you are.'

' Really?. Could have fooled me since that's not what it has felt like these past few months.'

Nkuli was stressing a lot about their current situation. Especially since it seemed like her husband spent more time with the mother of his son than he did with her. She could not even get a hold of him when she needed him the most. He parked his car in the airports parking lot and grabbed her hand massaging it with his thumb.

' I know and am sorry for my recent absence. I guess I just got caught up with Kj. I almost forgot about you and the other kids.'

' Almost?! Ken, you forgot. You even forgot Minnie's ballet recital and to pick up our kids from school one day.'

' Okay I forgot and I know it does not change anything but I am deeply sorry for neglecting you guys.'

' Why were you so consumed by him? As you put it. Is it because he's mixed race or that you're still in love with Jessica?'

' I was never that inlove with Jessica. She was honestly a distraction from you and our problems and as for Kj being mixed race, you know I'm not that shallow and if truth be told. I love our children more because we made them. I made them with the love of my life. Spending time with Kj is because of the guilt I have that he doesn't get to live in a household with two parents. I swear babe, that's the only reason I got caught up. I love no one but you. Never have and never will babe.'

' I wish I could believe you but my suspicions of you have multiplied lately.'

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