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' I've always wanted to take this holding hand picture.'

She held her hand towards him and he grabbed it and took the picture with his phone as she posed as if she was walking away. He captioned it with a hashtag and the number five before posting it on his social media page. Kenneth was glad he took his mother's advice five days ago and took her on this vacation.

' Thank you.'

She returned to him laying on the beach sand from trying to cool down in the water. He helped her sit down on his waist, straddling him. He placed his hands on her tiny little bump. Which you could not see unless you were looking for it.

' Remember I told you I wanted ten kids?'

Nkuli laughed.

' You're still not getting ten kids Kenny. '

' Five is close enough, don't you think?'

'Thank the heavens I am pregnant right now because after this one I am going back to the implant. '

They found out they were expecting a baby before they left on their trip. She was twelve weeks and for the first time she had no signs of being pregnant. Not even morning sickness and that was the reason she did not suspect anything.

' Do you regret falling pregnant?'

' No I don't. I must say I was shocked when the doctor told me and a lot of things went through my head. I know we had the twins and Owethu at a young age but I do think I'm too old to be having children.'

' You know you're thirty-four right? I am the one who is old being ten years older than you.'

' I'm turning fifty-five. Don't you worry about how the kids will take this and our parents?'

' Not to sound rude or anything but none of those people help us buy milk or diapers. Not like they would need to. I know I can afford to raise my children and even if I was not financially stable as I am. No one would tell me about having more children unless it was affecting your health.'

Nkuli kissed him before laying on his chest as some people watched them with admiration and other's clearly irritated at their display of public affection. Kenneth did not care though, all that mattered right now was them and mending their relationship and marriage.

' So when did you want to renew our vows?'

' That was quick. Last night when you said you'll think about it, I thought I'd have to atleast wait a whole week.'

Nkuli sat up mugging him. When he proposed the idea, she said wanted to think about it. Not because she did not want to but she did not think renewing their vows was necessary but today she woke up with a different mindset.

' I am kidding. I was thinking we could get it done soon. Maybe next month or next week. You know before you get all big and ugly.'

Nkuli kissed her teeth and smacked before getting off of his waist and marched towards their room. Kenneth rand after her and grabbed her just before she reached for the room door.

' Hey,hey I'm just kidding.'

'It's not funny Kenny.'

' I know. I'm sorry.'

He pecked her lips and guided her into their room.

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