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On the fifth night of their unplanned vacation, Nkuli and Kenny lay beside each other facing opposite directions, listening to their neighbors love making sounds. They turned at the same time towards each other unaware that the other was awake or that they were turning and burst into laughter as soon as they came face to face.

' They are having fun.'

' Yeah. What time is it?'

Kenneth checked the time on his phone and informed her it was two thirty in the morning.

' I don't know if I should blame them for my inability to sleep or the coffee making class we had today.'

' Blame them since you refused to taste the coffee we made.'

' I sniffed it and you know it affects me so easily. I don't know how you drink that ghastly thing though Kenny.'

Nkuli was not a fan of coffee or any hot beverage and caffeinated beverages. While Kenny could not start his day with two cups of black coffee. When they lived together she only added to her grocery list for him.

' I don't get how you eat all those sugary pastries too.'

' Well they're sweet and coffee is bitter but to each his own hey. Remember when I was pregnant with Minnie and I woke you up at two a.m. because I wanted Krispy Kremes.'

' Yeah I remember that and the time you were pregnant with Owethu and cried in the shop because the dress you wanted would not fit and that was the only size they had.'

' I was really on something that day. The lady in forever 21 didn't know what to do or say. I am a handful when I'm pregnant.'

' You're cute. Even though you cuss me out everyday in the last trimester. Otherwise I love you when you're pregnant.'

Nkuli held his face while his hand went to be waist under the covers and gently brushed rocked her back and forth. There was a comfortable silence between them till she pulled her head back when he attempted to kiss her. It suddenly because awkward and his demeanor changed. He was hurt.

' Wait. Don't go.'

' Why should I stay when you clearly don't want this. '

' Kenny it's just _'

' You don't love me no more?!'

He voice deepened as he tried to mask it from revealing his true emotions. Nkuli had but him and he was not about to let his guard down again.

' No. No. On the contrary I am still very much inlove with you.'

' Then what?'

' I just think we should not jump into anything yet and work on bridging this eoft that has formed between us. Say we have sex now and it's amazing like I know it will be but we still have issues within our marriage and each other.'

' What does that have to do with sex. We can have sex and continue to fix our issues. This would just be a start.'

Nkuli shook her head with a sigh and got off the bed as she was kneeling on it and stood infront of him with her hands on her hips.

' A start would be us fully committing to therapy and you ending your relationship.'

' Why are you worried about Jessica.'

Nkuli looked at him sideways. She knew a Jessica.

' Your former assistant Jessica?!'

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