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Since they returned from the island, Jessica had been calling him non-stop. He avoided it the day and night before because he spent most of it cuddled with his wife. It was the second day since they returned and Anele was doing much better, she even went to work today. His phone rang again and he picked it up irritated. When he broke it off with her, he had intended to not  have any contact with her.

' I need to talk to you. Can we meet in the restaurant behind your building in thirty minutes.'

Jessica said after they politely exchanged greetings over the phone. He finished what was left of his work before he took his wallet and walked out to the restaurant. She found her already waiting on him and eating.

' I thought you don't eat meat?'

' I was craving it. I am eating a lot of things I never used to eat before.'

' Really, why?'

' I am pregnant.'

' Oh congratulations.'

He replied back not thinking much of it.

' What do you mean congratulations?! Kenny are you dumb or are playing dumb?-'

' Sorry was supposed  to say something different.'

' I called you over here to tell you that I am pregnant and all you can say is congrats.'

' Wait you called me over to tell me tha_ are you insinuating that you're  pregnant by me?!'

Jessica put down her fork and looked up at him with irritation visible on her face.

' I am not insinuating. You're the father!'

' We've been broken up for like what six months and you're suddenly pregnant. Girl please. I'm not that gullible.'

' It's not sudden. I am as far long as we have been broken up.'

Kenneth wished the earth could swallow  him whole when she stood up to show him her very visible big belly. She had on one of those short body hugging dresses but he was not worried about that at that moment. All he could think of was Nkuli.

' Why are you telling me now?'

' I just found out like three months ago. I had to deal with the news before coming to you. At first I was not going to tell you but changed my mind and that's why I called.'

' How sure are you that that child is mine?'

' You're the only guy I've been fucking this past year and haven't been with anyone either since you dumped me.'

Restaurant staff and customers turned towards them when she raised her voice and he asked her to quiet down.

' You cannot insult me and expect me to stay calm and I don't care if they're listening. They should learn to mind their own fucking business.'

Everybody went back to their business when she turned around as she spoke the last sentence. Kenneth called for a waiter and paid her bill since he had not ordered anything. He did not have much of an appetite after that. He asked her to follow him to his office. For them to talk privately. She followed after getting her takeaway.

' Do you plan on keeping it?'

' Nigga! I am five months pregnant. What the he'll do you expect?! I'm keeping Kj.'

He cringed when he said that and pulled back his hand when she tried to make him touch her belly.

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