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'Why are you crying? Are you in pain or am I that horrific?'

Kenny smiled as a tear slid put of his left eye. He could not help the pain he felt of feeling he failed her as her husband.

' No baby I'm just happy you're okay. Was scared for a minute there.'

' I'm tired Kenny.'

His fear intensified as her eyes slowly began to close. He tapped her lightly afraid to hurt her.

' Kenny let me rest please.'

' No babe you have to stay with me.'

He listened while talking to her trying to keep her awake as the paramedics had instructed him while they called for the fire department to come help with the jaws of life. They said the car had to be torn apart for her to get out. He said a little prayer for them before calling out her name again.

' Nkuli?'

' Yes babe?'

' They're going to get us out. Don't sleep yet.'

' I'm tired.'

' We're going to have to get you out first sir as we wait on the fire department.'

The paramedic came back to explain to him.

' No you have to get her out first!'

He did not mean to raise his voice at the paramedic but he was afraid of leaving her here alone.

' Sir like I explained, we'll have to wait -'

' Fine I'll wait with her.'

' Don't be so stubborn babe. Go I'll be fine. I just need to rest and you'll see me again soon.'

The paramedic looked at him as he debated on doing as Nkuli asked. Reluctantly he agreed.

' Tell my children I love them.'

' Nope. You'll do that yourself Nkuli. Promise me that.'

He used his hand to wipe his tears as they pulled him out. He borrowed a phone and gave his oldest son's numbers before the paramedic put it on speaker so she could talk to her children.

'You'll see them soon babe.'

Nkuli did not reply but instead whispered that she loved him.

' I love you more.'

He replied

' I love you to the moon and back and back again.'

He laughed that was her favourite line from some movie he could not remember at that moment. He just recalled how she had not said that in more than a year.

' Impossible. I love you to infinity.'

He said as he sat by her fresh grave alone. It had been an hour since they buried her and he could not let himself move away from it. The children had left with both their parents. They had asked him to come with but he said he needed to talk to her alone. He had not said anything but recall their last few moments together. It was a week after the accident which was still under investigation. Nkuli did not make it out of the car alive and he blamed himself for it. He suffered a broken leg, fractured collar bone but he was not badly injured. Nkuli on the other hand had a broken arm and leg, a serious concussion with broken ribs and a punctured lung. The paramedics were surprised to find she had lived long enough to say her goodbyes.

' I wish it was me. Why did you have to leave me so soon. This is not what I meant when I said till death do us part.......'

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