It's Been Too Long... 🍋

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After dinner, I help (Y/N)-ya put the boys to bed. Lucian-ya was a hand full, he wouldn't stay in the cot. Took me an hour and half to get him to go to sleep. (Y/N)-ya did offer to help, I said I was fine. In the end, he went to sleep. I walk up the hall to (Y/N)-ya's room, see her reading. I sit on the edge of the bed.

I push the book back to see the cover. "A medical book? Are you studying?"

She smiles, it's been so long since I've see her smile. "Sorta, Cora-san asks me what some of the terms mean. I have no idea, I'll read the book night before. So I know what he going on about, the next day."

"He's a clever boy..." I lean on my elbows.

I hear her put the book down, the bed shifts. Next thing I feel her hands on my shoulders. "(Y/N)-ya, please don't."

"You're tense, when was the last time you relax or slept for that matter." She starts massaging my shoulders.

Last time she did this, I left her in the hotel. "Law breath," I let go a breath, I didn't realise I was holding.

"(Y/N)-ya stop, please." She stops, drapes her arms around my neck. She nuzzles into my neck. I hear her take a deep breath.

We sit there for a few minutes. "Okay, the feathers are tickling my nose."

I couldn't help but chuckle. She rubs her nose, then rests her head on my shoulder. "(Y/N)-ya?" She hums her reply. "What are we doing?"

"You're sitting there, being tense and not relaxing. Me, taking in your warmth, scent and enjoying being with you. Before you disappear again."

I went to say something, left it. She was right I will disappear again. The only difference now is she's expecting it.

"Take your shoes off."

"Huh?" Look to her puzzle.

"Shoes off," I do as asks.

She pulls me onto the bed. Pushes me down, she lays her head on my shoulder. And rest her hand on my chest.

"Normally Lucian up again by now. Playing with his animals, and laughing. Some nights I'll lay here and listen to him. Cora-san uses to do it too for a while. Till I found herbal calming tablets. Which help him a lot, thankfully he doesn't need them. He sleeps throughout the night. That's if Lucian lets him, haha."

I feel her hand move, see her playing with the feathers. "How many birds did you kill to do this?"

I chuckle, "I didn't... Bepo-ya did."

She slaps my chest. "Don't blame poor Bepo!" She lays back down.

I feel her hand stop, "what's wrong (Y/N)-ya?"

"When you disappear this time... What do you want me to tell the boys?" She doesn't look up, she keeps her eyes on the doorway.

"Whatever you want..."

"Will you consider visiting us when you can?" This time she sits up and looks at me. "It doesn't have to be every birthday. Just when you can. When Cora-san gets older we'll be moving. I'll let you know when we do."

I sit up beside her, "why would you be moving?"

"He wants to be a doctor. So we'll have to move so can get a better education. The school he's at now is great academically. It's got, medical science educators. I feel it's lacking the education he wants. So I'll search for an academy for him."

"You trying to guilt-trip me now?" I look to her annoyed.

"I know it wouldn't work. Just letting you know what I have a plan for our future." She looks worn out.

Déjà Vu - Trafalgar D. Water Law x Reader (One Piece)Where stories live. Discover now