Daddy ~ 👨🏻

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"Lucian, come on it's time for a nap."


"Lucian it's time for a nap!"


Sounds like (Y/N)-ya having trouble with Lucian-ya. I walk into his room. "What's going on?"

Lucian looks over at me, his eyes change colour. "Daddy ~" He reaches his arms out to me.

"Listen to Mummy, it's time for a nap."


"Lucian-ya naptime." His eyes start to well, "no." I take him off of (Y/N)-ya, place him in the cot. Put the blanket over him, "go to sleep."

"Wow, look at you ~ Using your firm voice ~"

"It doesn't help if you're acting like that."

"I'm sorry, I like your firm voice ~" I take her hand, we leave the room. "Ohh ~ You going to put me to bed too? ~"



I stop, "now is Daddy going in give in?"

"No," I keep walking. Pulling (Y/N)-ya behind me.

"You like using your firm voice don't you ~"

I bring (Y/N)-ya around, hold her against the wall. "I'll use my firm voice ~"

"I likey ~"

"Daddy..." We look down, Lucian-ya out of his cot.

I let go (Y/N)-ya, "Lucian-ya why are you out of your cot?"


"What's Daddy going to do?"

I pick him up, "putting him back in the cot." I walk back to his room. Put him back in, "Lucian-ya it's time for a nap. Go to sleep," I tuck him back in.

"D-Daddy..." He stands back up, lay him back down.

"Sleep now, turn over." He looks back at me, I point to the wall. "Turn over," he rolls over. Looks back at me, "wall." He looks back at the wall, sniffles. "I'll come back after you've had a nap."


Sounds like he's going to sleep, good. I head for the door, (Y/N)-ya there.

"I'm proud of you, you didn't give in. Mostly, hehe."

I walk past head to the kitchen. "What do you mean mostly?"

"You said you'll go get him when he wakes up. He's going to expect you to get him every time."

"I won't be."

"Do you want a coffee?"

"Yes, I do."

"You go to your office, I'll be in with it."

"Okay," I grab her hand pull her back. "I didn't get to do this earlier ~"

"And what's that? ~"

I hold her chin, kiss her. "That, be quick you have a doctor's appointment."

"I'll be quick ~" She walks off.

I head back to the office, I won't give into Lucian-ya.


"Captain!!!" What's wrong now...

Bepo-ya comes to the door, bangs on the door. "Uhh, come in..."

(Y/N)-ya looks at him, "you okay Bepo?"

Déjà Vu - Trafalgar D. Water Law x Reader (One Piece)Where stories live. Discover now