Impossible Again?🤰🏼

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"Ughh..." I don't want to get up... I have to make breakfast... I sit up, rub my eyes.

I feel the bed shift, "(Y/N)-ya are you feeling okay?"

"I'm okay, just really tired that's all."

"I told you to go to sleep without me."

"I want to go to sleep with you." He pulls me into his lap. He hums, "what is it?"

"When's your period due?"

"Soon why?"

"No, reason. I couldn't remember when you last had them."

"Okay, I better go make breakfast. Everyone will be waking up soon." Law holds me tight, "are you sure you're feeling okay?"

He kisses my shoulder, "yes. I'm more than okay."

"I have to get dressed. Are you eating with us, or in your office?" He lets me go, I get dressed.

"Office, I have a few things to do."

"Okay, I'll bring your coffee and breakfast."

"Thank you (Y/N)-ya."

Walk over to the door, Law smiling at me. "What is?"


"Why are you smiling?"

He comes over, hugs me. "After you've had your breakfast. Come to my office."

"Okay, I'll see if Ikkaku can watch Lucian for a bit. Are you going to get dressed or?"

He rolls his eyes, gets dressed.

"I'll see you soon," I kiss him, head for the kitchen.


I open the door, Law sitting at the desk. "Are you ever going to knock?"

"Nope ~ Breakfast is ready ~ And Ikkaku already watching Lucian."

"Good," he looks at the plate. "You're not eating?"

"I had breakfast while I was cooking." I walk around the desk, past him his coffee. I look over the books, pregnancy books. "Pregnancy books? Eager for a daughter are we? ~"


He drinks his coffee. "What's wrong with having a daughter?"

"She's going to be like you..."

"What's wrong with that? What's wrong with me?"

"Nothing, wrong with you. Women in your family are crazy..."

"And what's wrong with that?"


"Hmmm..." I take his riceball bit it. "Mine now..."

"Eat them all if you want."

"You need breakfast too..."

"Not as much as you."

He looks at my stomach, "you think I'm pregnant?"

"You've already missed three periods. You do look a little fuller." I put the rice ball down. "I'm not calling you fat... Eat it (Y/N)-ya."

"I don't want to..."

"Eat it, if you are pregnant. You're going to have to eat properly."

"If I'm pregnant, I'll eat what I want to eat."

"(Y/N)-ya..." He glares at me.

"Lucian turn out perfectly fine." I take the rice ball eat it. He sighs, "I did try eating how the book says. I couldn't stomach it. I eat what I want."

"We should do some tests first." He takes his own rice ball. "If we have a daughter... She'll be as beautiful as you."

"Hmmm... You're lucky I love you."

"I love you too." He places his hand on my stomach. "And the little impossible." He smiles, rubs his thumbs on me.

"You're excited aren't you?"

He looks up at me, "why wouldn't I be? I'm going to be able to see the impossible possible." He stands pulls me off the desk. Holds me close, "this time." He rests his head against me. "I'll be there."

"Yes, you will be."

He kisses my head, "let's do these tests."

He sits me in his chair, starts getting everything ready.


"So what are the results? Do I have to pee on a stick? Or are you happy with the blood tests?" He doesn't answer, "Law?"

I walk over to him, look over his shoulder. He's mumbling something. "Now if I do this...What if..."

I touch his arm, "Law? Is everything okay?" He stops puts everything down. "Law you're scaring me. Say something."

He picks me, "you're pregnant!" He places me back down. "You're pregnant," he kisses me.

"We're having a baby ~"

"Is your bladder full?"

"I do need to pee."

"Let's do the scans."

"Let's go see our little impossible ~"

Law takes my hand, leads me to the cot. Helps me up. "Lay down, this is going to be cold."

"It's always cold." He squeezes the gel on my stomach. "Cold."

He chuckles, "I'm sorry (Y/N)-ya." He smiles, he looks around. His smile grows bigger. "You're 12 weeks pregnant. From crown to rump, they're 5.5cms length."

"They're the same size as a lime." He looks back at me. "What? They are."

He goes back to the screen. He starts smiling again. He starts taking measurements and photos. He takes longer, to do the scan.

"Finished, listen to their heartbeat." He's going to love this. "You're smiling?"

"You're going to fall in love with them. As soon as you hear their heartbeat ~"

He places it on my stomach. Searches for them, we hear their beat.

Law's eyes glass over, "I told you ~"

"They're really there. It's possible again."

"That's a strong heartbeat," Law looks back at me. "Lucian had a strong heartbeat too."

He leans over kisses me. "Thank you (Y/N)-ya."

He takes my hand, listening to their heartbeat.

There's a knock at the door, "Mum, Dad? Are you coming out soon?"

Law snaps out of it. "Yes, we'll out in a minute."

"Okay, it's almost lunchtime. And Lucian is getting cranky."

"I'll be out in a second Cora-san."

Law wipes the gel off my stomach. I sit up, he rests his head on my stomach. "We'll keep you our little secret for now."

"Tell everyone when I'm 20 weeks?"

"Yes, after we find out what our little impossible is."

"Our little impossible is a girl."

He smiles, "if they are. I'll love her just as much."

He helps me down, "you coming out for lunch?"

"After I do a few more things. I'll join you."

I kiss him, "don't take too long. Daddy ~"

"I won't be."

I open the door, Cora-san waiting for me. "What were you and Dad doing?"

"We were fixing a few things. Let's go make lunch. What do you feel like?"

"Fairy rice balls!"

"Fairy rice balls it is." We head to the kitchen.

I look down at my stomach smile. We having another baby ~ Our little family growing ~

Déjà Vu - Trafalgar D. Water Law x Reader (One Piece)Where stories live. Discover now