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The rest of the party went alright. When the kids went to bed, everyone started drinking. The three captains behave for part of the time. There were some fights, your mum quickly hosed them. Luffy would laugh, while Law and Kidd grumbled went back to drinking. Not long the two started to argue again. At the end of the night, everyone crashed where they were. Except for you and Law, you had pulled him inside, crashed on the one sitter lounge. You sitting in his lap his arm wraps around you tightly.

Throughout the week, the Strawhats and Kidd Pirates left. Luffy said we have to invite him every year for Cora-san's and Lucian's birthday. Since he had so much fun, and that Kidd should come too. Law disagreed said future parties will be the crew only. Cause Luffy to pout, Kidd started to boost that he won the competition. That Law was afraid to lose again. A full-blown argument started, amongst the three. You and Nami sighed, Cora-san and Killer came over with buckets of water. Killer past one to Nami, Cora-san past one to you. The three of you threw the buckets on them. Cause Law and Kidd to stop, Luffy stole Nami's and ran off with it.  There was a water fight before they left.

Now it was your time to leave and set back out to sea. Law couldn't wait to leave. you had packed everything that yous needed. Law made sure to get all the medical records for you three and the families. He wanted to be through so in case anything came up with you and Lucian.

"So the next time I see you, I can expect another grandchild?" Your dad chuckled.

"Most likely," you looked up to Law.

"Now you boys be good for Mum and Dad okay." Your mum walks over with the boys.

"Grammy ~"

"We will Grammy don't worry. I'll draw pictures for you and Gramp, tell you about the adventures we go on."

"Make sure you do," she started to tear up.

"Mum don't cry you're going to make me cry." You started to tear up, so did Kat.

"Know, if Law leaves you again. Make sure you tell me, it's not murder if they can't find the body." She looks to Law, "they're only a missing person ~"

"I won't be leaving (Y/N)-ya." Law glares at her back.

Damien slings his arm around Law. "That you won't, this time I'll punch your lights out." He starts laughing.

Now Law was convinced that your family was well and truly crazy. With the death threats and the hosing.

"It's time for us to leave (Y/N)-ya."

"I know," your mum hands Lucian over to you.

- Law -

"Okay, family hug!"  They have a family hug, "that includes you too Law."

"Come on Bro," Dam-ya pulls me over.

(Y/N)-ya wraps her arm around me. We really need to go... Everyone pulls away, finally!

(Y/N)-ya wipes her face, "I love yous!" I take her hand board the Polar Tang.

"Bye, everyone!" - "Bye-bye ~"

Bepo takes us out, look down (Y/N)-ya crying. "It's not too late to go back."

"You wants us to go back?" She looks up at me.

"No, let's head below."

"Right, I hope Lucian is okay with the descent."

"He'll be alright. We've increased the depth each time we've take him. But we'll still descend slowly, the pressure shouldn't be too bad for him."

"I hope not."

We walk down the stairs, head to the bridge. So Lucian-ya could watch all the fish, as we descended. The submarine slowly descends, we reach the bridge. Lucian-ya's eyes widen seeing the different coloured fish.

Déjà Vu - Trafalgar D. Water Law x Reader (One Piece)Where stories live. Discover now