It's A... 😱

835 23 0

Time to make breakfast, I get out of bed.

"Where are you going?" Law grabs my hand.

"Going to make breakfast like I normally do?"

"Let Shachi do it. You need your rest." He gently pulls me back on the bed.


"(Y/N)-ya you need to rest." He holds me, cupping my belly.

"Law I'm fine."

"You don't need to do everything, I'm here now. Let Shachi do the cooking."

"Law I'm only 25 weeks. I can still cook, I don't feel like Shachi's cooking. She's picky with what she wants."

"The baby could be a boy."

"There's an easy way to find out ~ When are we going to do the scan? On the ship, I found out Lucian was a boy. I have a fiance that's a doctor. And I have to wait?"

He holds my hand, "we'll do the scan today. My beautiful fiancee."

"You took your time ~" I kiss him.

"If you're family didn't get in the way."

"Don't blame my family. You could have asked me anytime."

He growls, leans back into the pillows. "I know, that's why I asked that night."

"Straight after a shower, all nice and clean."

He nips my ear, "got you all nice and dirty ~"

"Mmm... Quite enjoyable ~ But I have to go make breakfast." I make my way out of his grip.


"When I get further along, Shachi can do the cooking. Till then I'm cooking."

"Mmm... I rather you stop cooking now."

"I don't care, I'm cooking. I know what she likes."

"Could be a boy."

"We'll find out after breakfast ~" I kiss him, "I love you ~"

"I love you."

I make my way to the kitchen. Maybe I have enough time to have pickles and ice cream.


Law and I head to his office. "Mum! Dad!"

We stop turn around, Lucian comes walking over. I go to pick him up, Law gets him. "What's the matter Cora-san?"

"We want to see the baby." Lucian pats Law's shoulders.

"Yeah! I want to scan Mum's belly. Please ~"

"Please ~"

"I'm okay with you coming in. Really it's up to Dad."

"Please Dad ~" - "Please Daddy ~"

Law closes his eyes and sighs. "Hurry up," he starts walking again.

"YES!" - "WEE!"

"Hehe, now what do you think Mummy having? Boy or girl?"

"Boy!" Lucian throws his arms up.

"Girl, your belly is a lot higher. Then when you have Lucian."

"No! Boy!"

"Two vs two ~"

"(Y/N)-ya, you know someone going to be upset."

I roll my eyes, "whatever..." He just doesn't want to have a girl...

We walk in, Cora-san takes my hand. Pulls me over to the cot. "You lay there Mum. I'll help Dad."

I hop onto the bed, Law and Cora-san get everything ready.

Déjà Vu - Trafalgar D. Water Law x Reader (One Piece)Where stories live. Discover now