How...? 👨🏻

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- It's been two years and three months since Law left you -

After leaving Wano, I decided to go see (Y/N)-ya and Cora-san. I had Bepo-ya follow their Vivre Cards. It took us a month, we landed on an Autumn island.

Bepo-ya handed me back the Vivre Cards. Cora-san started to drift in the opposite direction, to (Y/N)-ya. He must be at school. (Y/N)-ya said she was going to put him into one. (Y/N)-ya started to drift to Cora-san.

I started walking, realise no one was following. Look back at them, "uhhh we realise that -" Shachi-ya trails off.

"We have that stuff to do!" Penguin-ya

"Stuff to do? Like what?" I asked.

"The Submarine needs repairs!" Bepo-ya yells.

"It doesn't need repairs," look at them questioningly.

"Uhh yeah, that was my fault Captain... I uhh fell through a door..." Jeans look away.

If they don't want to see (Y/N)-ya and Cora-san fine. Turn back around and left. As I walk through the town, people were pointing and smiling. It's strange, I shook it off. I returned my attention to the cards. The cards are almost together, good.


I stood outside of an immense school. He couldn't possibly be going to this school. I see students walking around in suit like uniforms. Anyway, I walk through the gates, follow the cards.

There's a crowd of parents, I can't see (Y/N)-ya or Cora-san anywhere. A bell rings, now students are added to the mix. I'm not going to able to find them anywhere. After a few minutes the crowd thinners out. I see (Y/N)-ya she has my old yellow hoodie on. She's talking to a bunch of mothers. I can't see Cora-san still. Not a second later I see him chasing after a small child with black hair... He picks the child up walks over to (Y/N)-ya. She takes the child out of his hands, holds him. They say goodbye and turn around to leave. I hide around the corner in the shadows, watch them walk past.

"Hey, Mum!" Cora-san grabs (Y/N)-ya's hand.

"Yes, Rosi?" Rosi? When did he change his name?

"Whats an alliance?"

"An alliance? It's when two or more parties work together that have a same or similar goal. Why?"

"I heard at school that Dad has an alliance with the Strawhat Captain. And he was fighting Doflamingo." She halts, all you can hear is the child playing in her arm.

"Did I say something wrong?" Hear worry in his voice.

"No, sweetheart you didn't say anything wrong." She turns, kneels down to him.

"It's true that Dad has an alliance with Strawhat Luffy. From what Gramps said yes he was fighting that..."


"Yes him... I can tell you now, he's alive and well." She pulls out a heart locket, opens it. "You know what a Vivre Card is yeah?"

"Yes, it's part of your soul. We had some made for Dad. But why is it pointing that way?" He points in my direction.

"What?" She turns the locket stares at it.

The child crawls out of her arm, and under her. Looks over to me, "Daddy? DADDY!"

"Daddy?" (Y/N)-ya questions, she picks the child up and stands. "Law?"

I step out of the shadows. "LAW!" - "DAD!" Cora-san runs over, (Y/N)-ya stands there.

"Dad you're back!" He hugs me to drag me over to (Y/N)-ya.

"I don't understand what's going on here."

Déjà Vu - Trafalgar D. Water Law x Reader (One Piece)Where stories live. Discover now