The baby sitters

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(Azu's point of view when shes left in the care of Rock steady and bebop aka: Anton and ivan)

"Be a good girl Azu", (y/n) said leaving for her 'mission'.

once she was gone I was left alone with the Pig and the fat Rhino, "so ... who wears the pants in this relationship?", I said walking along side them.

"Not funny half pint come up with something better", the hog said patting my head.

I looked at him and giggled, "now my hairs out of place~". 

"and? what about it kid?", he kept walking.

"big sis said 'not one hair out of place' or you get in trouble~", I grinned as he stopped.

"you little-", he stopped talking as the Rhino picked me up quickly.

"Do not hurt the little Devochka  or (y/n) will hurt you again", he kept me in his arms as we went to a new part of the base.

"Wa- Psh, she don't even scare me ... you wont tell her right?", He ran over to us catching up.

"Whoaaa~ is this your room?", It was well decorated one side was filled with things I've never seen and the other I guessed was the hogs side since it had a lot of purple and tech.

"yes, this is my half of the room", the Rhino said putting me down.

"oh you have a doll!", I ran to it and picked it up only to see that the head popped off and I started to freak out. "Ah- im sorry I-I didn't mean to it just!!", holding the top part in my hand looking over at the mutant.

"its okay you did not break the Matryoshka doll, look closely and you will see another doll inside", he sat next to me and I looked back at the doll.

"your right ... ", setting the one I had in my hand down I took out the smaller one and opened it. "Haha~ there's another one!", I played with it till I got to the smallest one and them put it back together.

"My Mamasha  gave that to me when I left Russia", he said looking sad.

"mam- what's that .. like a mommy?", tilting my head as i asked.

"yes, oh that's right what happened to your Mama little one?", he asked looking curious.

Feeling pain from the memory i didn't answer, "you don't need to know Rhino"., i got up and moved away into a corner. 

"Isn't it obvious? They dumped her Mutant butt~", he said walking closer to me.

"WELL AT LEAST IM NOT A  PIG!!", I yelled back baring my teeth at him.

"looks like you got her attitude~ how did you meet that Nasty little witch anyway", he said picking me up from my hood.

"UGH! LET GO", I tried to make him drop me but he wasn't phased.

"come on spill? did she find you half beaten, starving, almost dead, Oh wait let me guess She saved you from almost getting killed by the Kraang~", I wanted to kick him rightin his face but I felt familiar hands pick me up again.

"Enough, I told you to leave the Devochka  alone", he held me gently.

"Man you know I don't Know Russian", He said back.

"it means girl", he sat down with me in his lap.

"why are you being so nice to me?", I looked up at him.

"I was raised never to harm a woman ... that includes children like yourself, the innocent have no right to be mistreated", he patted my head.

" ... im sorry, my mama she ... she looked at me and told me to go away ... she said I would infect her Precious Baby if I got close and then threw me out with no place to go ... thats how (y/n) found me", I hugged my knees still feeling the sting of her words.

"but you are also her baby? that is not right?!? Mama should protect not abandon", he said strongly.

"That's what (y/n) said!, ... thanks to her I have a new place to live and some one who loves me ... b-but I ran away because I got upset and now im here", I said feeling even worse.

"why were you upset?", he asked wanting me to say more.

"my Angel ... she wanted to take a baby to live with us ... but I-I thought she wouldn't want me anymore if she got a baby ... and I ... I ran away to find (y/n) but I didn't know where she lived and I got lost ...", I said feeling guilty for the way I acted.

"you know how stupid that sounds half pint? a baby cant replace you~", the hog said laughing at me.

"my friend is right, a new baby cant replace you. A new baby brings more love and companionship to family", he said putting me to the side and going to what looked like a kitchen.

"what are you doing?", I asked peeking at him from the table.

"when one feels low we must eat to feel better", he said turning the oven on.

"He likes to cook so don't sweat it", the hog said looking pleased.

"here you go, My mamasha use to make me these tea cakes when I was your age", they where white powdered balls.

"these look yummy~", I took a bite and fell in love with the flavor.

"Hey don't eat them all", he took a few before I could eat them all.

"Mmm~ can I ashk you shomethin", there was food still in my mouth.

"what is it".

"why do you work for Shredder even though your so nice?".

"You are one naive kid you know that", the hog said licking his fingers.

"I am kind to you, but I am not so nice to others", the Rhino said losing his friendly smile.

" ... oh ... do you like kids?", I asked trying to find some good in him.

"I am fond of them yes, but I do not like all children ... that one for example Karai .. a scary child she is", he said getting chills.

"what about (y/n)".

"she is someone who I do not view as a child ... not everyone else sees her as I do", he said getting up and cleaning the plate.

"but shes only 14? so shes still a kid in a way right?", I asked looking a bit confused.

"She had gone threw to much and has grown faster then her body, she is a smart child and a reliable one at that", he ended with that.

"I just think shes a brat", the hog said leaning back in his chair.

"I think shes awesome~", I said feeling pretty happy with the conversation.

They took care of me and even played with me Although that stupid Hog cheated at Hide and Seek turning invisible, when (y/n) came back to get me it was almost  2 A.m. and I was to sleepy to get up but I heard what they said.

"She wasn't a handful was she?", she picked me up from the couch and carried me in her arms.

"the little Devochka  was good", he said warmly.

" ... thank you for watching her Ivan", she said then started to walk away.

"Wa- Hey What About ME!!", the hog yelled feeling left out.

"the reason I sat you down in the beginning is because I didn't trust YOU Anton, I know Ivan likes kids ... thank you again and good night.", she walked out the door and I fell asleep in her arms.

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