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We almost left but heard foot steps coming closer slowly, "l-leo",I whispered holding onto his hand. "its ok", He held my hand back.

When the foot steps stopped I saw the silhouette at the entrance and now the alligator was nothing compared to this. . .  it was . . . our father.

"were busted dudes", Mikey yell whispered. "No duh sherlock",Donnie whispered back. I looked over at the beast not wanting to be here any more.

'if its him or that thing I choose to be grounded!', I let go of Leo running to dad. "What is the Meaning Of This!", splinter shouted only making me run to him faster and hug his legs.

My brothers lower there heads in respect, "I-it wasn't them father it was me . .". I covered for them so I would be the only one to get in trouble. "WHAT!", my brothers said in shock.

"I thought I was old enough to go out but then that thing attacked me  . . I would have been hurt if my brothers didn't come looking for me", I peered into his eyes making myself cry. "I-im sorry I was reckless . . I'll take any punishment you see fit.", I rubbed my burying my face in him further.

I could tell he was looking around inspecting everything, "everyone home Now". "hai sensai", we all said back. 'oh the ball . . were is it', I looked around for the ball Mikey and I were playing with since we didn't have many toys back home. 'There it is', it was resting close to the pond. I ran over to get the ball, 'aw man it has a small hole'.

I turned around and heard my name being screamed out,"My Daughter No! It's Dangerous!",Splinter yelled racing to me."(Y/N) WATCH OUT!", my brothers yelled.I was hit my the tail of the Alligator knocking the wind out of me and throwing me into the water.

I could hear muffled screaming and my name but I couldn't see anything but bubbles and everything felt so . . cold . . I cant breathe . . ". . . .", I couldn't speak.

I felt like I was getting sucked in, "(Y/N)! Hey Come On Wake Up!!?", Raph was holding me in the water. "*cough cough* r-raph?", I saw what was happening. Dad was fighting the alligator while my brothers made a chain to get me out.

It was so slippery if even one of us let go everything would go down hill, "UGH!Hang On!", Donnie was holding Raph and I while Leo and Mikey tried pulling us out. "The currents to strong", Leo was slowly getting pulled in I could see them working so hard.

The toothy creature smacked dad and charged at us.

"r-raph! its coming!", I said in a panic. "tsk . . Just don't let go got it", I nodded my head holding on as tightly as I could  . . but ' we are to heavy to be pulled out . . and that things going to crush them . .', "Donnie . . were to heavy and we will all get sucked in . . they will get hurt . .", I mumbled out.

Donnie looked at me with wide eyes,"no No Don't You DARE!", He tried pulling us closer but he couldn't. "Raph Grab her!", Raph tried tightening his grip but I loosened mine.

"WHAT ARE YOU DOING!" ,Raph shouted trying to hold on desperately .

"I don't want you to be taken by this thing . . and were to heavy to be pulled up"., I said with a sad smile.

"(Y/N) DONT LET GO", Donnie Screamed.
"(Y/N) Your Ok! J-just don't let go!",Leo cried out but I could see his arms shaking.

"im sorry . . I love you . . all of you", I loosened my grip more.

"No! Princess STOP PLEASE!", Raph shouted trying to get a better hold of me.

"I Promise not to die okay . . bye bye big bro", I let go.

"NOOO (Y/NNNN)!!", they all shouted.


chapter 3

TMNT: Little Sister [complete]Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt