Pick me up

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I said my good byes to Azu and Angel, I headed to Floor B to meet up with Razz.

He looked stressed out over paper work. 'Hehehehe', I went behind him and covered his eyes.

"Guess who!"

"Aren't you to old for this~ alright is it the girl of my dreams", he said quickly grabbing me and lifting me up.

"Ah!", i was in his arms staring him straight in the face. " . . No fair . .", I pouted.

"Wa- now your pouting? Come on~ don't be like that", he cooed at me.

"If this was training I could counter this", I said bitterly.

"Why don't you", he held me tightly.

"I d-don't want to hurt you that's why!", I was a flustered mess.

"Ha~ you hurt me? Doubt it", he set me down with a smirk on his face.

I rolled my eyes at him and walked to the elevator, "I'm not exactly normal, so hurting you is something I can do".

Before I could go in he hugged me from behind, "I know you would never hurt me".

"you know you tease me to much sometimes ....", he turned me around and kissed my forehead.

I blushed slightly. 'Keep it cool~ he's like a brother . . Right?'.

"I have to go Razz my brothers will be worried if I don't get home".

"I won't see you for a while, do you really have to go~ why not stay with me", he pouted giving me puppy dog eyes.

"Hey Razz about my sched- what are you doing", Gray came in looking surprised then angry.

"bonding~ you know cuz we're so close", he had his arms wrapped around me placing his chin on my head.

"Well we're friends and I think we need to have more time together", Gray slapped his arms away and held me close to him.

'w-whats happening ....', I looked at both of them feeling the tension grow.

"well ive known her longer-"Razz was cut off.

"but that can change when someone else comes in like me and takes her away",Gray said looking firedup.

"u-uhh guys?", they didn't hear me but each of them took a hold of my hand.

"Your really into kids? wow you lolicon", Razz chuckled.

"wa- then what about you!", Gray said back.

" .... guys!"", they didn't hear me.

"our age isn't that far apart un like yours", Razz smiled.

"Well What About Your-", I cut off gray.

"GUYS!! Enough Already!", I looked at them with a face of confusion and disappointment making them let go.

The elevator doors opened with Raph and Leo. "(y/n) . . Come here", Raph had his arms crossed glaring at Razz and Gray.

I walked over to him and he picked me up holding me protectively taking me back in the elevator. "We will be taking her home", Leo said stepping back in waving bye at both of them.

" so close ~", Razz went back to his station watching the security cams as we left.

Gray let out a sigh, "honestly what the hell", he left in a huff.

Chapter 28

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