seeing red

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The next morning I was woken up by Karai, "Hey, hurry up and change into your new clothes we have training in a few minutes". She dropped clothes on my face then leaving to the main room I was brought into yesterday.

"ugh ... you know you could have just left them on the table!", I yelled as she left the room.

'jeez ..... I cant escape this room even if I tried, its concrete walls and the vents are to small ... there's no window in here either ....its almost as if this room was build with the purpose of someone not leaving or escaping to begin with', putting on the clothes I was to lost in my thoughts to even realize what I was changing into until I looked at the mirror.

"OH HELL NO!", I yelled as I saw the full black tight clothes I managed to fit in. The top was a long sleeve crop top hoodie that exposed my chest showing off my sports bra and the high wasted shorts with ripped leggings going all the way to my thighs and matching Tabi shoes. 

I busted out of the room and looked at Karai. "What the heck am I wearing !?!", I said with my hands motioning to all of me.

"what you look fine to me? surprised you fit in it so well", she said smirking.

"I am NOT going out like This", I said glaring at her feeling embarrassed with the outfit. 

She got up despite my protest for new clothes and opened the door. "Its to bad we cant get you into anything till tomorrow, Now lets get going", she took hold of my arm and dragged me out of the room where the soldiers were waiting for us and got around all sides of me.

When we finally got to our location it was a Way bigger Dojo then we had and not to mention the weapons lined up on the wall put my little naginata to shame. I walked in feeling very out of place as the rest of the soldiers stopped sparring just to look over at me and leave, 'well that's rude'.

"are you ready?", Karai said shooing the guards to all the exits.

"for what ... wait don't tell me".

"were Sparring and I don't want you to hold back", she said stretching and taking some steps away from me.

"Karai ... remember last time I 'didn't hold back' ... how's your arm by the way", I said concerned feeling a bit bad.

"its better, I want to be able to match you so We are doing this", she said motioning me to go to her.

I stretched but noticed something out of the corner of my eye, 'we're being watched ... its hard to tell but there's an observation room above us'. I walked closer to Karai and readied myself, 'ill give them something to watch them.

"Ready?", she asked getting in position.

"ready", I said and with that we started.

Karai attacked first running up to me faking a hit and low sweeped my feet but I Dodged with ease doing a one handed back flip away and regaining my footing. It was my turn to go for her so I went for a punch and jab combo she deflected as I went down going threw her legs and attacked from behind making her lose balance and almost falling over, "Hehe, don't leave your back open like that". I grabbed her hand before she could fall.

"Don't be kind to your enemies", She pulled on my hand bringing me down with her as we tumbled to the floor and she pinned me.

she stared into my eyes and smiled at me. "I wasn't expecting that", I said looking defeated.

"Next is with weapons", she got off of me and helped me up.

We went on like this for almost three hours till someone interrupted our fun. "Karai! What are you doing in here with ... her", Tiger claw came closer and slapped the weapon out of my hand cutting me in the prosses.

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