My scar?

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After some sparring sessions with my brothers father decided to work them harder seeing as I beat them all no problem.

"(Y/n) I want a rematch", Raph said coming over in a huff.

"Not right now but later ok alright", I said sitting down melting into the couch I tied my hair up so it wouldn't get in the way.

"how did you get that?! it looks like it hurts", Mikey went to touch the back of my neck but I quickly got up putting my hair back down.

"I-Its . . Uhh, it's nothing really", I tried playing off my awkwardness but to no avail he saw right threw me.

"Cupcake how did that happen . . you can tell me", he gave me puppy dog eyes with a pouting face.

'Noooo if you do that I won't be able to resist! How dare you use that weapon on me!', I let out a sigh In defeat.

"Alright I'll tell you but it's kind of a serious topic so let's go bug Donnie for a bit okay?", he took my hand almost immediately and dragged me to Donnies lab.

"Donnie!!! We need you for story time Bro!", Mikey screamed out scaring the shell off Donnie.

He turned around looking annoyed," How many times have I said to Knock Mikey! Oh and also You Can't Play In Here!", Donnie yelled at Mikey.

'He looks calm and composed but he's the second hot head of the family not as bad as Raph but he's still scary when pissed'.

I peeked from behind Mikey letting my presence known, "oh (y/n) I didn't see you there . . . Is there a reason for this? Or are you guys just bored?", I gave him a face implying I had something to talk about.

Letting out a deep breath he signaled to follow him, "alright what is it". He sat down in his chair while Mikey and I sat on an empty lab table.

"Well it's . . It's about this", I showed him my scar across the back of my neck and he let out a gasp.

"H-how did that happen! . . Who did that to you", the last part he said in a scary serious tone sending chills down my back.

"From the looks of it, it's recent . . The abrasion and contact points are deep . . This looks painful? Wait sorry am I hurting you?!?", he stopped touching the scar for a bit out of panic.

"No it doesn't hurt . . Anymore anyway, it stopped hurting about a month ago still sensitive but thats about it", I let my hair down hiding it again.

"Do you want to tell me how you got that", Donnie said looking like he already had an idea but still wanted to know more.

"We all know how I got it Donnie, personally I don't like talking about it since it was so traumatic but I don't know what they did to me so . . Could you run some tests? To find out what else they did . . I can do some things that are not normal but I'm not sure what else there is". Donnie pulled up his computer data.

"Ill totally kick there butts! . . 'who did it?'", Mikey whispered to Donnie making him face palm.

"it was the Kraang Mikey~", I said trying not to laugh.

"Oooooh, Wait They Did That! What Else Did They Do!", he started circling me as if to check if all my limbs were in tacked.

"stop that", I wacked him with a tail in his face. "Oww . . YOU HAVE A TAIL!!", He went down to look at it but as soon as he did it was gone. "how did you do that! Show me please please with a monster sized pizza on top with jelly beans and jalapenos".

"first that sounds nasty, and second for what ever reason I can kinda turn into animals but not your run of the mill animals . . Its mutated people ive come into contact with that are also animals, it took me about a few weeks to figure out it was other mutants and not animals".

"I got the data ready I just need samples to check how you are over all", Donnie came over with a few things and started to get to work.

He swabbed the inside of my mouth then took some other samples. "I just need a little bit of blood and we should be all good to go", He came closer to with me the needle and I jumped away from him almost immediately.

"No, No Way! *Hisssssss*", I went into a cat form and jumped up to a high place.

"Dont 'hiss' at me young lady its for your own good now come down here it wont hurt I promise", Donnie said following me.

"No . . I don't like needles . .", I pouted in my hiding spot.

"come on . . don't make me call you by your nick name! . . Ill do it~", Donnie teased knowing I hated the nick name he use to call me when we were younger.

"don't you dare!",i warned. He smirked "Don't what? Kok-", I cut him off.

"stop! ok just stop!", I blushed like a mad man not wanting to hear that embarrassing name from ever being heard again.

"at least I don't call you 'princess' or 'cupcake' or sh-", I cut him off again. "I get it I get it Just . . get it over with", I hid my face in his plaster. "Hey what's wrong with cupcake! it fits her well!", Mikey yelled back.

"i'll do it as fast as possible", I flinched as it went in, to distract myself I hummed a song. "and done see no pain at all", he ruffled my hair then placed a bandage on my arm.

'uhh its all stiff now', I pouted. "wanna play games now that he's done", Mikey bounced around with the controller ready.

"sorry to disappoint you Mikey but this was only the beginning, she needs to show me what other animals she can turn into", Donnie said looking only slightly at us then going back to the microscope.

"sorry Mikey ill play with you after okay?", Mikey walked out of the lab looking sad.

'don't worry my angel ill be there to join you soon', I reached out my hand clenching my fist over my heart.

Donnie chuckled." weirdo",I rolled my eyes at him. "you don't get the tragedy that just happened here, I left a man on a solo mission leaving him player 2-less", I said in a dramatic voice only making him laugh more. "I really did miss you kokoa~", I snapped at him. "Hey You Promised Not To Say It!".

"sorry sorry it slipped . . I don't see why you don't like it, it just translates to 'love of the heart' and that is what you are to me", I blushed from his explanation. "You Explaining It Makes It More Embarrassing Donnie!".


chapter 14

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