Birthday bash

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I woke up to someone kicking my door open and carrying me into the kitchen, I cover my eyes from the sudden light and hear everyone cheer.

"Happy 14th Birthday (y/n)!~".

". . What?", I rubbed my eyes confused.

"It's your birthday, come on wake up already sleepy head", Leo rubbed my cheeks together.

"You know I'm not a morning person", I frowned as I flopped into Donnies arms.

"Hey, I'm not a bed you know? Come on wake up so we can have your favorite breakfast, my little kokoa~", he said placing me on in my seat.

"I said nooo~ no more embarrassing nicknames", I groaned while eating pancakes and bacon in the shape of a happy face.

"What's wrong with the nickname I picked for you? I think princess is better then 'Cupcake' any day", Raph said with a smug face.

"WHAT! No Way Cupcake is way better then 'princess' not to mention she's Super sweet and adorable Like a Cupcake!", Mikey said pointing the spatula at Raph.

"(Y/n) your getting food all over your face", Leo cleaned my face.

"Mmm- weo shtwp".

"Ah- sorry . . It's out of habit", he said pulling his hand away.

"Oh that reminds me April said she had a surprise for you! So~ once your done eating she said to meet her at her place", Donnie informed me.

"A Surprise!", I said excitedly as I stuffed my face with food. "Mmm~ done! I'm going to get ready now!",I rushed to the room to get out of my pajamas and into something cute since it's my birthday.

I was about to pick out my outfit when I noticed a box on my bed, "what the- how long has that been there?", I opened it and saw an adorable new Pair of dark blue shoes with a light purple top and a black leather jacket with cherry blossom on the back with the word 'princess' bedazzled on the front in a small font and sunglasses tinted a light orange color.

"This is really cute~ did they get this for me? . . I'm wearing this!", I put it on and fixed my hair in a pony tail— after checking myself a few times I walked out and noticed my brothers standing out side my door waiting for me.

"Told you she would wear it"
"You look so astonishing"
"Those shades i got match you perfectly cupcake!",Mikey gushed.
"I knew I got the right size shoes",Leo said happily.

"Thanks guys I love it!", I hugged all of them as I went top side to meet with April.

I rang her door bell waiting for what felt like forever, "(y/n) Happy Birthday~", she said as she opened the door.

"Thank you April ... so whats the surprise!", i jumped up with joy.

"easy its not here we have to go to it", she locked the door and took my hand as we walked a block or two before stopping at a roller ring.

"Come one everyone else is waiting", she tugged my arm then we met up with Irma and Casey inside.

"Hey! you made it Happy birthday little freshy~", Casey grinned messing up my hair.

"Easy on the birthday girl there trouble maker", she fixed my hair.

"thanks Irma~".

We spent the rest of the afternoon chatting and messing around then we left to the ice cream parlor next door, "im beat ...", April said slumping down.

"I still think you cheated just sayin", Casey sat next to her.

"are you still on that? Birthday girl won fair and Square", Irma sat next to  me.

"Yeah and you even challenged me 4 times Man! my legs are dead cuz of you", I slumped on the table.

"Well at least we can have your cake now", Irma said getting up and coming back with a small ice cream cake with a little 14 on top.

"Guys~ you didn't have to".

"Of course we did now stop being like that and blow out the candles before the wax gets all over the ice cream", April said urging me to blow them out.

I closed my eyes and thought of something to wish for, 'Let today be as normal as possible'. I blew out the candles then felt something cold on my nose.

"Oh you did not just do that!?", I looked over at Casey who was ever so innocently licking his finger.

"Do what white nose~", he said cracking a grin.

"haha so funny!", I got him back on the cheek smearing frosting on him.

"AYY! wanna go birthday girl".

"guys don't ruin the cake its for eating not throwing", Irma said protecting it from us.

"sorry Irma~", I sat back down and she handed me a piece.

We stayed there till we were done with the cake and said our goodbyes to Irma while we went to the rooftops for a bit.

"I feel bad she cant come but its better if she's Not wrapped up in all this".

"Its alright April shes better off not knowin", Casey said trying to make her feel better.

"Yeah hes right, I mean  robot fighting ninjas with talking mutants and an alien race trying to control, destroy or harvest the world isn't what she needs to be in", I looked over at them.

"your right", she said letting out a sigh.

"come on lets go check out the- WHOA!", Casey tripped over.

"you alright? what did you trip on?", April helped him back up.

"I didn't trip I was pushed!?", he said holding his arm and I looked around feeling uneasy about what he just said.

"you were pushed .... Anton ... ", I shifted my appearance slightly and I could smell the Hog not to far from us.

"Anton?", they both said looking confused.

"hes a WarthHog mutant and is crazy good at making invis tech ... although the big mouth of his gives him away and so does the SMELL", I said the last part yelling as I low kicked behind April.

"Hey Watch it girly", he said as I knocked him on his butt.

"you know its rude to spy on people Anton", I said poking his face. 

"Whoa it was Bebop", Casey said looking annoyed.

"MY NAME IS NOT BEBOP! ... this is why I like the kid better she at least uses real names", he said lunging at him a bit.

"Yeah and its rude of you to hurt people", I grabbed a hold of his leg bringing him back to the floor then twisted it.

"Ow Ow OW ... Dang What Are They Feeding A Little Monster Like You", he squealed a bit from the pain.

"now im going to say this Once .... What Do You WANT!", I made myself as intimidating as possible.

"ah ... well my freaky little sista-", I twisted a bit more. "AH OK OK, Shredder Wants A Word", I let go and turned my back.

"No wait! Its Beneficial If You Go Now", he said stopping me.

"I have nothing in common with a man like him", he took a picture out and held it up.

"what about this ...", I took the picture fom him.

"where did you get this .... What did he do to her", he was pleased with my reaction.

"she was seen out side and we thought it would be a cool deal to snag her for you", he dodged my punch and went invis again.

"HE HE~ you know where to go little sista Now Don't Be Late", he was gone just like that.

"(y/n) who's in the picture", April said taking a look.

I held the picture feeling angry, "...... its Azu". 


chapter 29

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