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The last thing I could hear was my brothers calling out to me, I saw Leo pull them out of the water before I went under.

'I did this so you wouldn't get hurt',. . my last thought's before everything went black.


When I regained consciousness I was out of the dark sewers on the side of a docking port.

"I-I'm on . . . The surface?", I got up slowly my body aching all over.

I looked around to find nothing but the docks, boats, and a loading port. 'I need a place to stay', I wandered around till I found what looked to be an abandoned warehouse.

The wind blew right threw me," t-this will do for n-now", my teeth chattered from the cold.

The place wasn't as run down as I originally thought,'i should start a fire'. There were old barrels and some burning materials.

I used the knowledge from Donnies books and did what i could to stay warm.

'I can't believe I actually lived . . .', I huddled close to the flames spreading my clothes to dry. "I'm sorry . . .", I whispered  to myself.

I thought back to the story father told me when I was little, about how he found me and how he knew from the moment he saw me I was his daughter.

My brothers were no older then 4 at the time making me 2. "Who leaves a 2 year old out in the winter. . .", I said to no one in particular.

My brothers fell in love with me instantly a side from Raph who learned to love me over time. "I would get on his nerves a lot", I chuckled to myself.

Now I was lost with no pictures of them, no phone to call, no way of getting back, and no one to take care of me.

"All I have is . . You", I looked at my bracelet with tears in my eyes.

Once my clothes were dry I went off to explore my new environment.

'Don't be afraid. . . It won't be as bad as dad said . . . Right?'

I wandered the streets feeling nothing but uneasiness, 'Donnie said something about the city view one time'.

I looked up at one of the buildings,'maybe I can go on the roof tops?'.

I climbed up the fire escape for a better view. "Woooow", the lights of the city were something I've never seen and there were stars sparkling as well.

"So pretty", I sat there for hours till my stomach made a growling sound. 'Geez I forgot about food'.

I sniffed around for anything that smelled food related."*sniff sniff* Bingo!", I caught the scent of something I've never smelled before it was so amazing I was drooling at the thought.

"Ooh a noodle place . . . W-wait i don't have a way to pay for it", I stood out side thinking of a way to get a meal."I could ask to work for food? But I'm so small . . . They might call the cops".

My stomach growled again,"ugh!",'what ever I'll take my chances'.

I walked into the restaurant half expecting myself to get kicked out, "h-hello? I have a question". I bowed closing my eyes for the worst.

"Hello, you sound so young? What are you doing out late in the night young one?", he asked in a confused tone.

I raised my head and noticed something,'h-he's blind?'.

"U-um . . It's a long story and you probably won't believe me sir", I took a seat facing him.

"I've experience many thing so I may understand", he chuckled.

"Okay, well it started with my birthday party . . . ", I went on to tell him the whole story leaving out the parts of mutants of course and to my surprise he was very understanding.

"You have been threw so much child", he said with a sad expression.

"Oh you can call me (y/n) sir", I said trying to lift the mood.

"What a beautiful name, you may call me Murakami if you would like.", he placed a bowl of dumplings infront of me.

"I-I can have this? Si- I mean M-murakami . . .-san", i said the last part since it felt so informal. 'Dang my formal habit!'

He chuckled at me,"I see your family is also Japanese".

"Y-yes I tried picking up as much as I could but I sadly don't no many words But I can understand it clearly!".

"That is very good", he leaned on the table .

"About the food . . . ".

"You don't have to pay me after all your so small so I doubt you have money right?".

"Yes, I-I want to know a-and I know I just met you but could I maybe work for you and get a meal in Exchange! Murakami-San!". I bowed my head out of respect even if he can't see me.

He thought about it for a while then let out a heavy sigh," you may but you will also need a place to stay yes?".

"Ugh! W-well y-yes", I played with my fingers nervously.

"You will work for room and board, I have an extra room up stairs and you may leave when ever you wish.", he gave me a sweet smile that reminded me of father.

I looked up again,"t-thank you so much for helping me".

"No more crying and eat before the dumplings get cold", he patted my head.


chapter 4

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