Its part of the deal

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When I woke up I felt something heavy on my chest and reached to see what it was, ' uh- so soft~'. Getting up slowly I saw it was Azu cuddled up to me like a kitten.

"that kids been stuck to you like glue all morning", Karai said leaning against the wall.

"what happened ... I feel like death", I tried to get up but felt sore from all over.

"you went ballistic and they shot you with a tranquilizer to stop you", she crouched down next to me. "you don't look as bad as they said you would be, How do you feel?", she touched me gently looking worried.

"I-im alright for the most part", I set Azu on the futon and got up.

"alright enough for today? we have that 'Meeting' today and shredder wants you there for 'security' reasons", she said handing me clothes.

"w-what about Azu I cant leave her here alone", looking over her with worry.

"don't worry they wont hurt the kid, she's staying with the Hog and Rhinoceros".

"shes staying with Anton ... and Ivan ... No, No way I wanna talk to them before I leave", I said and she sighed at my reaction.

"give me a minute", she said walking out of the room giving me time to change.

'at least this time im dressed more Modestly', I had a black hood cloak with a long sleeve shirt and puffy bottoms with Tabi shoes to match and it hid my face well. "not bad~", I looked in the mirror loving the look.

"you look like an assassin", I heard Azu's sleepy voice say from the bed.

"you think? I guess I do don't I", we laughed a bit when Karai came back taking us to the other room.

"there here", she said opening the door letting in Anton and Ivan.

"Hey~ Little Sista now you do know im a busy man", he said looking a bit annoyed.

"You wanted to talk about the girl", Ivan said looking at us.

"That's right~ now have a seat because im only saying this once", I said with a smile but my eyes where anything but happy.

They sat down looking a bit intimidated, "Azu will not be harmed, Will be fed, Will be taken Well care of and I don't want to see her hurt, dirty, hungry, or a single hair out of place~ Do I Make My Self Clear", I said the last part looking them dead in the eyes sending a terrifying feeling down there spines.

They flinched and sat up straight. "Y-Yes MA'AM", they both said at the same time.

"Good, Now Azu I have ... a job to do so you will stay with them for the day", I hugged her. "tell me if they do anything mean to you okay", I whispered to her and she nodded.

"I don't want to but if you say to stay I will ... c-come back safe okay", she said trying to be strong.

"I always do", I gave her a kiss on the forehead as we walked out of the room together.

When we got to the end of the hallway I had to go into the elevator leaving her, "ill be back so be a good girl", she gave me one last hug and with that I was ready for the 'job I had to do.




When we got out security was placed on all sides of me like usual. Entering Shredders thrown room that was now fixed from the fight we waited for our orders, "Look at you playing bad guy~", Bradford said mockingly.

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