Sprinkle on top

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I've been living back with my family for a month now and after arguing and pleading for them to let me keep going to school I was able to go.

"Are you sure you don't want to be home schooled? I can teach you again like we use to", Donnie said poking his head in my room as I put things in my backpack.

"If I need help I'll come to you bro you know that~", I walked passed him going into the living room.

"Do you have everything? Taser! mace! Your smoke bomb eggs!", Leo said hovering around me.

"I don't need all of that stuff Leo", I walked into the kitchen to get a Pop tart.

"You guys worry to much, if anyone gives you a hard time remember Always aim for the stomach then bring there face to your knee", Raph demonstrated on the dummy.

"If I'm in a fight it's better to make the weak look like fools then to beat them senseless Raphie~", I took out my pop tart walking to the entrance.

"Cupcake~", Mikey whined. "Do you really have to go", he whimpered making puppy dog eyes at me.

"It's only for 7 hours I'll be back by 2 in the afternoon at the latest", I gave them each a quick hug. "I'll see you soon!", running out of the lair I met up with April and Casey.

"(Y/n)! What took you so long?!", Casey said tapping his foot impatiently. "Sorry my brothers kept me busy", I said tossing him a pop tart. "Ooh sweet! Love these things", he munched on it happily.

"So April you ready for the test In bio?", I peeked at her while she had her nose stuck in a book.

"Huh- yeah I just need to cram this in before the test".

"She's been at this for a while now", Casey said snickering.

We all separated to our classes and met up after school.

I waited at the front, we got out earlier today but I didn't tell my brothers so I could have some fun under the sun with Casey and April.

"Hey Freshy! Did you wait long", Casey called out coming my way.

"Not that long, where's April?", I scanned for her but didn't see her.

"You didn't hear? Her class is getting searched, apparently someone brought some Mary Jane with them".

"Mary what? What's that?",I tilted my head in confusion.

"Really? It's . . You know what I would ask Donnie, I want to keep you as pure as possible", he patted my head then took my hand.

I raised my eye brow at him, " where are we going Jones?".

"Let's get some ice cream while we wait for red, it's only across the street", he pointed at a near by parlor.

I nodded following along, we talked about mostly nothing in particular. "What looks better the red or the blue on my mask?", he handed me a poorly drawn mock up.

"Neither, personally I think a silver would work better", I took his drawing and remade it with a style that suits him.

"Wooow your like wicked good at art?!? You should totally paint my gear!!", he said excitedly.

"I would but I don't think a certain Red Robin would appreciate it~", I said getting up and moving over a seat.

April walked in letting out a heavy sigh, "thanks for Waiting Casey". She glared at him as I passed her some icecream.

"What did I do, you were taking to long so I just thought we would wait here", he sulked eating his icecream.

"If it wasn't for (y/n)'s text i would have never found you guys", she pouted.

'This is cute and all but I feel like a 3rd wheel', I stared out the window as they bickered.

They were deep into a conversation when I tooned back in, "so (y/n) do you have anyone you like?", Casey asked raising his eye brows up and down.

". . I'm sorry . . What", It was obvious I wasn't listening.

"Aww come on, at least listen", he pouted.

"I'm kind of curious to, so is there any one you like~", April said in a cooing way.

I blushed lightly, "w-well it's just a crush but I don't think it would go anywhere".

"OOOOH~", they both said with a mischievous look.

I looked away feeling embarrassed, "look I'm still young so not a lot of Guys would be Into Me Anyways. . . And half the guys I know are a few years older so . . Who would want a kid like me . . Right?". I looked back out the window.

"Don't sweat it we were only teasing you", Casey tried to lighten the mood.

"Sorry (y/n) we didn't mean any harm", she reached for my hand.

"I get it~ anyways don't talk about my love life till you sort yours out", I snickered and got up leaving the shop.

"H-hey what's that supposed to mean", they both said flustered chasing after me.
Chapter 22

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