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The story so far:

----Aija, Zuri, and Ze are three friends, who were working at the Pristine School at Innermost. Aija gets involved with the Ytai first, leading Zuri and Ze to them as well. Zuri falls in love with Nala (Lalana), who is Ytai and works with Thieron. Aija and Ze are captured by Thieron, of H'eon, when they were at the Hospital - Aija was at the Hospital with Kuna of R'ies and Zuri to stop a Harvest; Ze was there to visit his sick student Xan. Thieron has bound Aija to himself, and Nala has bound Ze to herself. Luka works for Thieron(Ah'n), along with Lalana (Nala).

----Aija, Ze, Thieron, Luka, and Nala go to the South Land. Luka admits that they are there for a Harvest. While they are on the Harvest, they get stopped by a group of people - the Zayr. Aija and Ze meet Princess Ruyanir of the Zayr. Ze and the Princess have an instant connection. The Prince has requested Aija and Ze to meet him. Prince Irih' va and Aija have a conversation about the Àvo; he explains how it works. Aija seems to like the Prince. The Prince gives Aija a strand of his golden hair - for protection. Irih'va sees Aija in his future but isn't sure she will choose him. He wants her to choose him. Irih' va catches Ze using his powers, and he shows Ze that he, too, has the same powers.

----Aija, Ze, Thieron, Nala, and Luka go to the Ker'zan. Ze and Aija escape from the three Ytai. Ze tells Aija about the escape Prince Irih'va has offered them. Ze leaves, accepting the escape offer. Aija rejects the escape offer and goes back in to find Luka. Luka, when he searches for Ze, finds Aija running away. He is intercepted by Kuna - who is prepared for an attack. Luka tackles Kuna, and the Gale starts to attack. He sees that Aija is captured other H'eon Ytai.

----Iyler tries to rescue Aija, but she refuses, insisting to go back to Luka.

----Nala sees Etrie, Zuri, and Maya. She sees that Etrie has a gun. Nala's bond is hurting terribly, and she wonders where Ze is.

----Zuri goes with Etrie, Kuna, and Maya to the Ker'zan. She sees Nala there. Kuna dies protecting her.

----Aija is captured by different Ytai.

----She sees as Etrie shoots Thieron - she feels it in her chest.


****39 - Thieron****

The moment he saw Etrie take out the gun, he knew he was in trouble. 

Yet, he tried to remain calm and not show fear. Etrie would have loved to see the fear in his eyes. 

Thieron wouldn't give him the satisfaction. 

He was glad the Ytai couldn't see auras. 

If Etrie had a gun, it only meant that it was Izemirn. 

Thieron cursed internally. He had seen Var-Inu at one corner of the Main Hall when he had gone to greet his uncle; Alton Ivar had purposely kept him for a long time with him, talking of issues Thieron wasn't interested in. Var-Inu had Izemirn with him. Thieron had started towards him, and something had made him glance towards the others; except that only Nala stood where he had left them. He had halted, concern seeping into him. Luka, Aija, and Ze weren't to be seen. 

Nala looked like she was in pain as she searched around for the others. 

So, Thieron had made his way to Nala instead of Var-Inu, and Etrie had made his entrance at the same time. If only he had gone to Var-Inu first. He stood no chance against Izemirn, and even though the moment was terribly inappropriate, he had thought of Aija's confusion at the word Izemirn, wondering why they had been talking of his cat. 

Etrie Ay'tir was a man of principles. It was surprising that he had resorted to the use of Izemirn. Perhaps, he was truly desperate to get Aija and Ze. 

Thieron cursed silently again. He hadn't intended for the Ker'zan to go this badly. He had had a bad feeling, but this isn't how terrible he'd imagined it would be. Now, nothing else would matter if Etrie did shoot him, and he lay in a pool of his own blood. His mission, everything he'd worked for, all these years. He couldn't let it fail in one short moment. 

"Luka!" it was Aija's voice. 

She sounded like she was in distress, and it scared him. So, he turned towards it and found her being taken away by two Ytai men. 

And, in that small moment, he made a tremendous mistake. 

Etrie shot him in the chest. It was aimed at his heart; he was certain of it. But, that small mistake had also sent the shot to his chest, yes, but not his heart. 

He fell to the floor backward, the burning in his chest growing furiously. He heard a scream – Aija. Was she alright? He felt the Uil'dran burn around his wrist and felt the heat spread all over his body. He didn't know if the heat was from the Izemirn or the bond. It all collided, driving his senses into a frenzy. He couldn't breathe properly. 

Luka was beside him in an instant. "Thieron!" he shouted. It sounded muffled. "Thieron. Oh, Gods above!" 

Thieron struggled for breath as Luka prayed to Gods, who no longer existed. 

There was a loud sound like a blast. Luka shielded Thieron, and he heard stone crumbling. 

"Thieron! Ah'n! Please hold on." Luka's voice was muffled. "Ah'n!" 

There were tears in his eyes. Was this how his life ended? Without getting the Àvo; without anyone knowing his true intentions; his true mission? Was this how years of his work got destroyed in a lone moment of weakness? All for her; and, she wasn't even safe now. Her survival depended on his. And now? 

Luka looked blurry through his tears, but he could still hear his voice, subdued though it was. 

Where was Aija? Was she caught in the blast? Was her bond burning too? Was she alright? She had called out to Luka, not him

His thoughts only had her in them. 

Izemirn worked fast. He had about ten minutes left, maybe fewer. 

"Thieron! Hold on!" Luka's voice trembled as he shielded him from the falling stone. "Please!" 

Thieron's vision blurred, and he could hardly breathe. 

"Dre'var dhier, dre'var!" Luka cried. Please brother, please... 

Luka called him brother. Ytai didn't call someone brother if it wasn't genuinely meant. Maybe, Ah'n was wrong in doubting him, in the end. Luka was...crying

"Dre'var dhier...." Luka cried. 

It was the last thing Ah'n heard as he slid into oblivion.



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