30.1 IRIH'VA

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The story so far:

----Aija, Zuri, and Ze are three friends, who were working at the Pristine School at Innermost. Aija gets involved with the Ytai first, leading Zuri and Ze to them as well. Zuri falls in love with Nala (Lalana), who is Ytai, and works with Thieron. Aija and Ze are captured by Thieron, of H'eon, when they were at the Hospital - Aija was at the Hospital with Kuna of R'ies and Zuri to stop a Harvest; Ze was there to visit his sick student Xan. Thieron has bound Aija to himself, and Nala has bound Ze to herself. Luka works for Thieron(Ah'n), along with Lalana (Nala).

----Aija, Ze, Thieron, Luka, and Nala go to the South Land. Luka admits that they are there for a Harvest. While they are on the Harvest, they get stopped by a group of people - the Zayr. Aija and Ze meet Princess Ruyanir of the Zayr. Ze and the Princess have an instant connection. The Prince has requested Aija and Ze to meet him.

----Prince Irih' va and Aija have a conversation about the Àvo; he explains how it works.

----Aija seems to like the Prince. The Prince gives Aija a strand of his golden hair - for protection.

---- Ah'n - Thieron - interrupts the conversation and takes Aija back into the house.


****30.1 - Irih'va****

He turned around, facing the ocean again as Ah'n dragged Aija away. 

He wasn't sleepy at all. The days on Ierne were slightly longer than on Earth, and he was adjusted to that for years. 

Ah'n was about a little over a hundred years younger than him. Ah, the anger coursing through the boy... 

But, Irih' va couldn't blame him for anything. Ahn had been through a lot as a child. Irih' va wanted more time with Aija, but he let her go. He needed to ease Ah'n's anger. 

Aija, she sure worthy of her name Rao-Oshiro. She came from a long line of Oshiro's and Rao's. Both were an exceptional line of families, both serving their countries in the Wars, and both families played equally critical roles in uniting the people when the Wars were over. 

She had to make a choice in the near future. She was bound for greatness, whichever choice she made. Each option took her down a wildly different path, but with each, she would do something equally important. 

And, one of them brought her to him. 

He had tried his best to not influence her decision. No matter what he found out about people's lives, he tried not to influence them to do a certain thing or tell them which path they had to take. That was supposed to be their choice. He had no right to interfere in people's lives. 

But, with Aija, he had been desperate. He could have something so beautiful with her. All he had to do was take her back to Ierne with him. It was just within reach. But she would have to choose it. 

So, he'd offered her an escape, instead. She had to make her choice, of course; he wouldn't force the decision on her. But all he could do now was pray that she chose him. 

She was strong and kind. She made Irih' va's heart flutter. He wanted her by his side; she would make his life amazing. Her beautiful deep-purple aura had shimmered in his presence. He'd never seen a purple aura before; it was alluring. 

Irih' va had to remind himself again and again that she had to choose it herself. It was tempting to go to her and tell her to go with him; make her go with him. 

It took a great deal of self-control to not go to her room and convince her to go with him. Especially since it looked like she felt something for him too. That had been the toughest thing he had done in ages – letting her go with Ah'n. 

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