22.1 LUKA

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The story so far:

---- Aija is a Volunteer at the Pristine School at Innermost. She works along with Zuri and Ze, who are her friends. Aija witnesses a strange event one night – light emanating from Rez's body. The kidnapper is after her soul, next, but he leaves her alive and goes away. Another man finds her, he wants to take her somewhere else - Aija though wary of him agrees. Aija learns of the existence of the aliens – the Ytai. Also, about the R'ies and H'eon, Harvesting and Àvo from Etrie. Etrie tells her that the man, who Harvested Rez (Thieron), will now go after her. He tells her that the spy/kidnapper's name is Luka. Etrie asks her to work along with him. Aija agrees to work along with Etrie on Harvest Stopping Missions.

---- Aija and Zuri join Kuna on a Harvest Stopping Mission. They go to the hospital. Aija, at the hospital, stumbles upon Luka's satchel and goes after it, instead. She finds a kitten that has escaped from the hospital. When she is out of the hospital, releasing all the collected souls from Luka's satchel, Thieron comes.

---- Thieron kidnaps Aija. She finds out that Nala works for Thieron. Ze, who was following her to rescue her, gets captured along with her. Thieron binds Aija to himself.

---- Zuri is worried about Aija and Ze, who were taken by Thieron. Etrie kisses Zuri; she slaps him. Ahi and Zuri patch up and agree to remain friends. Zuri is asked to go to the Secure Headquarters for questioning. She goes to Innermost for it. Zuri is questioned by Secure Ivan who presumes that Ze and Aijs ran from home together. She meets the Oshiros and Iyler. Kuna tells her that Iyler is actually from the Gale.

---- Gold gets information that Aija Rao-Oshiro and Ze Roan are missing - kidnapped by Thieron. Gold tries to get to Pristine City One for the case.

---- Gold finds someone unexpected waiting for him at his apartment.

---- Vincent has been assigned to Pristine City Four too. Goldstar finds it a little uncomfortable because he is affected by the man. 

---- Vincent finds out that Goldstar's name is Veer from their roommate Avery. 


****22.1 - Luka****

He stood at the door, his ear on it, listening.

It was quiet.

He knocked twice. No response. He sighed, holding the plate filled with freshly toasted bread, salad, and cheese. He decided to enter.

She was huddled in the corner of the bed, staring out the window. He closed the door and walked in. Luka placed the plate on the table next to the bed and looked at her; there were beginnings of dark circles around her eyes. She looked like a dying storm. He felt bad. Luka wished he could do more for her, but he knew he shouldn't.

He stood next to the bed. "You must eat something."

Aija defiantly continued to look outside, hugging herself tighter.

Carefully, he sat next to her on the bed. "Aija," he whispered.

His heart beat faster. He had said her name a thousand times in his mind, never aloud - her name tasted sweet on his tongue, like honey and strawberries. It was soft, like the finest Wi'lir – a soft textile made from the Wi'lir's hide of the Vour'an Mountains in Ytèan.

She looked at him, her eyes fiery. It made his breath catch.

"Get out," she whispered.

Luka stared at her, his heart growing ravenous with the need to touch her.

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