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The story so far:

---- Aija is a Volunteer at the Pristine School at Innermost. She works along with Zuri and Ze, who are her friends. Aija witnesses a strange event one night – light emanating from Rez's body. The kidnapper is after her soul, next, but he leaves her alive and goes away. Another man finds her, he wants to take her somewhere else - Aija though wary of him agrees. Aija learns of the existence of the aliens – the Ytai. Also, about the R'ies and H'eon, Harvesting and Àvo from Etrie. Etrie tells her that the man, who Harvested Rez (Thieron), will now go after her. He tells her that the spy/kidnapper's name is Luka. Etrie asks her to work along with him. Aija agrees to work along with Etrie on Harvest Stopping Missions.

---- Aija invites Zuri on a Harvest Stopping Mission. Zuri agrees to go and leaves her hometown earlier than intended. Zuri is picked up by Kuna, Etrie's partner. He tells that Etrie will erase her memories. Kuna and Zuri reach the place and meet up with Aija, Etrie, and Maya. The Harvesters come and attack them. One Ytai attacks her. The Harvest Stopping Mission is a success. Zuri is overwhelmed by the entire experience.

---- Etrie agrees to let Zuri continue accompanying them on the missions, much to the chagrin of Kuna and Maya.

---- Nala is waiting for Zuri at her Apartment. When Zuri asks her to answer her questions she refuses. Zuri fights with Nala and asks her to leave. 


****17.1 - Goldstar****

The iridescence of the Harvested soul sparkled under the Green Light Emitter.

"I know it's inappropriate, but it's so beautiful," Tailyn whispered.

Goldstar agreed with that thought. Depending on the strength of the soul, its shimmer was different. This soul had left behind a blue-green sparkle, and Goldstar had to agree that it looked beautiful, however morbid the thought was. It had been a rather strong soul.

Why hadn't R'ies stopped this Harvest? Hadn't they come in time? Hadn't they succeeded in stopping H'eon?

The previous night a Harvest had been stopped in the small town of Vira, leaving three members of H'eon dead. Had they not seen this one coming? It was true that H'eon was proceeding more aggressively now compared to even a month ago, with the Àvo located.

The Gale had so far stopped ten Harvests but hadn't been able to keep up with H'eon. Their main concern was protecting humans who were in trouble with the Leadership and bringing the Leadership down. The Gale had two divisions – one taking care of Harvesters and the other the Leadership. Iyler, for the longest time, had been part of the former group until she started going on Transfers with him. Goldstar hadn't put himself in either group, often helping out both causes.

It was difficult, however, as humans to keep up with Ytai. They had left the majority of stopping H'eon to R'ies. But, with the H'eon moving so fast, maybe R'ies wasn't able to keep up as well.

Goldstar sighed as he recorded the killing as a Harvest. It would only go down as a missing person case in the Secures records. The family would probably wait years, not understanding what really happened to this person.

Goldstar and Tailyn returned to Core at Pristine One. Goldstar took a shower and retired for the night. But, he soon found out that he couldn't fall asleep. He rolled around in bed, thinking of Harvests and the Àvo.

He let out a breath as he sat up. He ran his fingers through his black hair. He was wide awake with no sign of sleep taking him soon. He pushed the blanket aside and got off the bed. He left his room – it made him claustrophobic sometimes with no windows letting in natural air and light. It was well air-conditioned, but the underground made him uncomfortable.

He went into Hall; it still catered to those working through the night. He had a warm glass of milk as he walked across the walls looking at every personal belonging left into the small holes carved into it. Once he drank the milk, he went to the Training Room, hoping to catch Iyler. He found her on the way there; she was retreating to her room. He sneaked up on her and lifted her off the ground.

She let out a soft shriek in surprise before she saw that it was him. "Gold!" she laughed.

"I missed you," he said, setting her down only to pick her up and put her against the mud wall supporting her weight with his right knee. His back hurt a little at the place where the Savage had clawed into his skin, tearing it. It was healing, slowly.

She planted a soft kiss on his nose, and he kissed her, feeling the softness of her lips.

"I love you," he murmured against her lips.

He looked at her so bright, even in the dim lighting of the corridor. It looked like she had caught the sunlight, weaved it into her hair, and trapped the blue sky in her eyes. The name Iyler Sun suited her so well.

"You're so beautiful," he told her.

"Not as much as you are." she smiled.

He smiled. "I'm going to the South Land tomorrow. Go with me, Iyler Sun."

Her smile faltered. "I can't go. I can't change my schedule."

Goldstar set her down on her feet.

"Can we at least tell everyone here we are dating?"

She kept quiet, and he wasn't sure what was going on in her mind.


"Not now, Gold."

He could hear the caution in her voice.

"It's been over two years, Iyler. Why not? Why hide more?"

"Just not now." she insisted. "Someday, when things are better?"

"Better how?"

Iyler didn't answer, and he grew impatient. "When I leave my family for the Gale?" he pointed out.

She looked at him keenly, and he knew he was right.

"It's not like that Goldstar."

"Fine," he said. "I have to leave them someday. Just give me time until I complete my studies?"

"It's not what I meant and what are you even studying? I don't know anything about you."

It wasn't as if Goldstar knew anything about her personal life. He hadn't asked her about her past; it hadn't mattered too much - who she had been before she joined the Gale. If it mattered to her, it was her story to tell him; he'd accepted her as she was. It mattered to him what she was now.

He nodded. "Go, sleep. You must be tired."

He left, walking away quickly, knowing she was staring after him.


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