29.1 AIJA

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The story so far:

----Aija, Zuri, and Ze are three friends, who were working at the Pristine School at Innermost. Aija gets involved with the Ytai first, leading Zuri and Ze to them as well. Zuri falls in love with Nala (Lalana), who is Ytai, and works with Thieron. Aija and Ze are captured by Thieron, of H'eon, when they were at the Hospital - Aija was at the Hospital with Kuna of R'ies and Zuri to stop a Harvest; Ze was there to visit his sick student Xan. Thieron has bound Aija to himself, and Nala has bound Ze to herself. Luka works for Thieron(Ah'n), along with Lalana (Nala).

----Aija faints after Thieron saves her from the sea-savages, just as she remembers that a sea-savage bit her.

----Aija wakes as the antidote works. 

----Nala tells Aija that she genuinely loves Zuri.


****29.1 - Aija****

The days went by lazily, one sunrise after the other. 

It was almost too monotonous; a set routine. 

But something big was being planned. The three Ytai were almost always engaged in a serious conversation. The mellifluous language of Ytèan was deceiving, but their expressions gave them away. 

Aija and Ze spent a lot of time together, and sometimes Xan joined them. Their conversations had died down from planning to escape to minimal greetings and to just spending time with each other. Ze often practiced his powers, now in front of Aija as well. Escaping was an impossible dream – Aija had decided to stay, but that didn't mean Ze couldn't leave. 

The fact that the three Ytai didn't pay much attention to them spending time together showed that they were busy planning something. 

Sometime mid-week, Nala had brought her toiletries. "A girl must have her own clothes and stuff." Nala had told her as she had handed her the stuff. 

"How did you know about my clothes size?" Aija had asked. 

"I saw it from your clothes." she had shrugged. 

Ze had also received new clothes. 

It's how Aija knew that they were going to stay with the Ytai for a while longer. She still had hope of staying alive, the hope of seeing her family someday if she was able to stop the Ytai and stay alive. At least Ze still had a chance to escape as well. 

It was all just hope. 

Would the Ytai take them to retrieve the Àvo? They had to if they wanted to go. Where exactly was this Àvo? What exactly did it do? How did it work? Would she be able to stop it from being used? Would she be able to stop the Ytai from destroying the human race and taking over her home? 

Just about two or so months ago, her only worry had been what career to choose. But, she'd always known there was more to do. Had it been this all along? 

Aija watched as another day began with the rising Sun. It was beautiful over the hills. This beauty – it belonged to humans. The Ytai had no right snatching it away from them. They had their own planet to live on. Or they could stay on Earth and live like Var-Inu and Ba' diur – not harming humans, just living out their lives helping people both Ytai and humans. 

She limped to the mirror in the room – Thieron's room – and looked at herself. She had lost weight in the past week. The poison had left her with an almost void appetite. The mark of the bite was still dark on her right ankle, and it hurt – terribly on some days. Nala had told her the mark would remain. There were still purple webbed-lines all over her stomach and chest where the poison had reached. Despite it all, she was glad to be alive. It gave her hope of being able to stop the Ytai and the dream of seeing her family and Zuri. 

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