15.1 XAN

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The story so far:

---- Aija is a Volunteer at the Pristine School at Innermost. She works along with Zuri and Ze, who are her friends. Aija witnesses a strange event one night – light emanating from Rez's body. The kidnapper is after her soul, next, but he leaves her alive and goes away. Another man finds her, he wants to take her somewhere else - Aija though wary of him agrees. Aija learns of the existence of the aliens – the Ytai. Also, about the R'ies and H'eon, Harvesting and Àvo from Etrie. Etrie tells her that the man, who Harvested Rez (Thieron), will now go after her. He tells her that the spy/kidnapper's name is Luka. Etrie asks her to work along with him. Aija agrees to work along with Etrie on Harvest Stopping Missions.

---- Thieron and Nala check out a new target, and realize that Etrie's team was trailing the same target.

---- Goldstar preps for the Transfer to the South Land. Goldstar and the Transfers are attacked by the Savages and Creatures in the Open. They are saved by the Gale squad of the Open. Goldstar is terribly hurt and he is told that his wound will definitely scar. They set out to the South Land.  They drop the Transfers at the South Land. When Gold asks Iyler to marry him one day she doesn't respond.

---- Goldstar meets Princess Ruyanir of the Zayr. He is later informed that the Research Centre was attacked.


****15.1 - Xan****

The sound of the strings vibrated through the room, echoing the happiness he felt in his heart.

He hardly followed the notes and unconsciously added his own music in between.

He was happy. He would be playing the cello at the school's music festival - a solo performance in front of a big audience. It was an extraordinary opportunity; it allowed him to be noticed by the best cello artists and get a chance to attend the best music school at Pristine Two. It had always been his dream to go to The Music School and Art Academy at Pristine Two. The best artists went there and made Pristine Two their home. He wanted it too.

After practice, Xan Ae Lee strolled around the Music Academy while he waited for Vaughn. He knew Vaughn since he was five when the two started cello classes. Vaughn changed to violin a year later, but since the classes were held at the same Academy, they went to classes and then home together, afterward as well.

Vaughn lived at the start of Ryder Street, and Xan lived towards the end. He had never known a single day spent without Vaughn ever since he had met him and couldn't imagine doing so. They even spent weekends with each other.

Xan made a full trip around the school and arrived at the entrance. Vaughn hadn't arrived yet, so he sat on one of the twenty steps that led to the building's massive wooden door. He rested his chin in his palms and looked around. Students of all ages were hurrying about either to class or home. He wanted to slow everything down. People were always in a hurry.

A slight breeze blew through the trees, and he felt it rush through his hair. He closed his eyes and listened to the trees in the wind, to the laughter of students, to the music escaping through the windows of practice rooms. He felt peaceful.


He opened his eyes and turned around, Vaughn was climbing down the stairs – with a girl. He stood and waited for them to reach him.

"Xan, this is Hima. Hima Li, this is Xan."

Vaughn smiled at the two newly introduced people.

"Hi," Hima said, smiling at Xan.

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