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The story so far:

---- Aija is a Volunteer at the Pristine School at Innermost. She works along with Zuri and Ze, who are her friends. Aija witnesses a strange event one night – light emanating from Rez's body. The kidnapper is after her soul, next, but he leaves her alive and goes away. Another man finds her, he wants to take her somewhere else - Aija though wary of him agrees. Aija learns of the existence of the aliens – the Ytai. Also, about the R'ies and H'eon, Harvesting and Àvo from Etrie. Etrie tells her that the man, who Harvested Rez (Thieron), will now go after her. He tells her that the spy/kidnapper's name is Luka. Etrie asks her to work along with him. Aija agrees to work along with Etrie on Harvest Stopping Missions.

---- Aija invites Zuri on a Harvest Stopping Mission. Zuri agrees to go and leaves her hometown earlier than intended. Zuri is picked up by Kuna, Etrie's partner. He tells that Etrie will erase her memories. Kuna and Zuri reach the place and meet up with Aija, Etrie, and Maya. The Harvesters come and attack them. One Ytai attacks her. The Harvest Stopping Mission is a success. Zuri is overwhelmed by the entire experience. Etrie agrees to let Zuri continue accompanying them on the missions, much to the chagrin of Kuna and Maya. Nala is waiting for Zuri at her Apartment. When Zuri asks her to answer her questions she refuses. Zuri fights with Nala and asks her to leave.

---- Gale work is getting to Goldstar. Iyler too seems to be distancing herself from him. He leaves after a disagreement with her about his secret identity.

---- Vincent, who worked at the Research Centre, talks to him at the Dinning Hall. Goldstar is flustered by him when he asks to accompany Goldstar to the South Land. 


****17.3 - Goldstar****

Goldstar spent the rest of the day in the Tech Room going over the recent activities of R'ies and H'eon. Thieron had been spotted once on Ryder Street. Goldstar clenched his fists. If only he could get his hands on Thieron. It would get him closer to Ah'n, the nephew of Alton Ivar, which in turn would lead him to Alton himself – the Head of H'eon* on Earth.

Thieron was a difficult one to capture – if it were easy, someone would have done it by now. No one from R'ies had gotten close to capturing Thieron – not even the famous Etrie Ay'tir*.

A new report popped up on the smart screen. He touched it open with his finger. Kuna* had been going in and out of the Pristine One School Housing frequently.

School Housing? Goldstar thought. That's where a lot of families lived, and recently two people had 'disappeared' from there. Does the R'ies see many potential targets there?

"Damn!" he whispered angrily and continued browsing through the reports.

He made no effort to meet Iyler* all day, and by the lack of her presence around him, it looked like she wasn't making any efforts to see him either.

What had happened yesterday? An argument? Their first fight? Goldstar was puzzled.

Hours later, he found Premiere Red* at Hall and joined him for dinner. He was ravenous after having skipped breakfast and lunch. The two of them discussed the Leadership's possible intentions for attacking the Research Institute and Vincent's credibility. When it was time to leave, Premier wished him luck and hoped he wouldn't face any more Savages and Creatures.

Goldstar found himself craving to see Iyler before he left, but he knew he would ask her to go with him, and she would deny, again. Were things now so bad between them that she wouldn't come even to say goodbye before he left for the South?

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