How my 2019 went: craziest year of my life

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From 1/1/2019-02/13/2020
1. I got a dog that had became my support dog through hard times.

2. I talked to some friends that I haven't spoken to in over a year.

3. I had entered a toxic relationship and had became a stepmom in that one.

4. I finally realized I deserved better and left the guy, but I still miss his little girl Maya.

5. I had turn 14 years old and cried a bit because I had thought I wouldn't live pass the age of 13.

6. A few friends and I came up with a plan to get revenge on a boy who had hurt servile of my friends.

7. I started seeing my dad again regularly and had started to trust more men in my life.

8. My best friend had entered a relationship where the guy was a bit toxic but not abusive, didn't like him that much but put up with him for her sake.

9. My ex-girlfriend threaten my best friend because she thought I had a thing for her.

10. I stopped talking to many toxic people in my life that would drag me down.

11. My cousin and I spent a lot of summer fan girling over One Direction and 5 Seconds of Summer.

12. I had started to enter the Sam and Colby fandom and I'm still there to this day.

13. I started my first year of high school and thought about my future.

14. I made it to my 1 year mark of my first attempt of suicide. I hadn't had any thoughts since last July as of 02/13/2020.

15. I got to go and visit a college I might go to and experienced it with my best friend and another great friend.

16. I had entered my first high school and serious relationship to the point where I had fallen hard and fast for him.( I'm a freshman and he's a junior)(I was 14 and he was 16.)

17. I had my first kiss with the boy I was dating and got caught by a teacher kissing him, luckily it wasn't his mom(She's a teacher at our school.)

18. I had gotten jealous over another girl for being to close to him for my liking.

19. I experienced my first ever heartbreak with the same boy when we had broke up the first time.

20. I had an on and off relationship with same boy which stopped after the third time.

21. I watch him start dating another girl which slowly caused my heart to break for the second time.

22. I thought I was going to lose my best friend because she had started to like the same boy which cause me pain but I wanted her happy.

23. I had slowly started to come back to my original self after I was depressed over the breakup.

24. I had given the boy one more chance to date but we sadly didn't last a day and I had start to realize that we probably just ain't meant to be. But I still love him(not as much as I used to) and wish him well in life while I'm ok with us just to stay friends.

25. I had dyed my hair again so now it is all purple and I won't ever get my natural color back.

26. I had became closer to my second oldest sister and we talk every day about anything.

27. I now laugh at how I would be last year since my personality and everything has changed within a year.

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