Changing 2 with Grace(Edited 02/22/2020)

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Gracie's POV
Mom, Tarquell, and I are heading mine and mom's house. I never knew it would be such an awkward tension to be walking with my mom and her ex-boyfriend. This is more awkward than watching Jack and Emma flirt, or ty to flirt, with each other. Speaking about the boys I just remembered something. "Oh dammit." I spoke out loud on accident. Both of the adults looked at me "What's wrong Grace?" Mom had asked me as they took a step towards me. I looked at her and pouted, "Justin still owes me 40 bucks and child support." Tarquell's eyes widen at the words that left my mouth, "Child support?!" He's so confused at what I'm talking about. Mom looked at him to explain, "Its an inside joke between them. Care to explain babydoll?" I just smirked because it's a funny asf story. I take a deep breath as we walk more towards the house. "Ok. So last year during school I had an elective class called FACS Essentials. It's basically early childhood education and for one of our grades we had to carry around a flour baby. Well Justin is my best guy friend and I had made him the dad. I told him he would have to pay child support since I will have to carry it around and take care of it. He said ok and that he would but the ass never did. And to beat it all I got a C on it." Tarquell just looked even more puzzled, "How? That's sounds like the easiest thing in the world." Mom snickered since she knew why. I just groaned at her, "Because of what I named the baby." He asked, "What did you name it?" I looked at him as I kicked a pebble, "It was a boy and I named him AbortSean(Pronounced abortion)." He burst out laughing as mom finally lost it. I just rolled my eyes. After a bit they started their own conversation. "You out of all the boys loved your hair the most and now you cut it." Mom said. "Yeah well I thought I needed a change now since I'm grown now." Tarquell told. "Yea you can tell we are all grown. You can especially ask Gracie that I'm different right?" Mom asked. "Yea she has. She don't fight no more like she says she you used to." I told him. He looked surprised about that. "Really?? How on earth did that happen? Every time we turned around you were fighting." Tarquell said. "Well I grew up just like you I had to though." Mom told him. I knew what she meant. She calmed down when I was born. That's what happened to her and my aunts. When me and the girls were born our moms stopped being a lot like they used to be when they were our age. But I can see why he is surprised, I mean they did have to grow up faster than they should had, they were 15 when they were pregnant with us. "What was the funniest thing you remember when y'all played on the sandlot??" I asked Tarquell. "Well it will have to be when the girls first meet singleton. That was funny." He told me. "How come??" I wandered. "Well we got into a name calling contest between him and Mac. And when we're about to leave, he made a racist comment to your mom. So we walked a bit than your mom turned around and ran fast at him. She jumped the fence and start beating him up like it was the last thing she was going to do. That went on for a bit until David said for some one to grab her, so me and Saul grabbed her and left before she could cause anymore trouble." He told me. "Wow mom and you wander where I get my short temper from huh." I told my mom. She just rolled her eyes but I could see a smile on her face. We finally made it to the house. "Well.. I'm going to go change real quick." I told them while ran to my room.

After that we headed to the rink to find Jasmine, Hailey, and David already there waiting for us

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After that we headed to the rink to find Jasmine, Hailey, and David already there waiting for us. Well it's time to skate then.
No ones POV
Sapphire smiled happy to see Tarquell telling a story to their daughter knowing full and well Gracie just wanted him to tell the story to her. Than Gracie opened up to him just like that. She never did that with anyone she didn't really know that well. And that they were talking like they have known each other since Gracie was born.

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