Changing 1 with Jazz(Edited 12/24/19)

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Jasmine's POV
As we walked to the house I started texting someone. I was texting Matt. I have liked him for as long as I could remember. But the problem is, is that he is one of my best friends. And for me to see him as something more is a big no no. If we were to date it would be great but if we ever broke up than it would ruin our friendship badly [(If only she knew what would happen in the future.)] The is also this girl named Linda Davis who I hate very badly. She has a crush on him too and always tries to seduced. Yes she tries to do that with him even though we are only 13. Which is nasty in a way. Wait a minute... oh my god. Mom got pregnant with me at 15, so her and dad did stuff when they were close to that age. I stopped walking for a moment falling behind my parents. I looked at them and inside my head I screamed EEEEWWW!!! I hadn't noticed I been there for a while before the grown ups snapped me out of the daze. "Jazz...Jazzy...JASMINE!" Mom yelled out a bit. I snapped out of my daze, "What? What is it?!" She chuckled at me, "You were following behind." I slap myself inside my head for not paying attention. "Sorry, I started thinking about something." I apologise to my parents. Parents, that is weird to say since it has always been me and my mom. But at the same time, I am SO happy that I now have both of my parents in my life. "You know you two are some of the fastest people I have ever meet but when we are walking you guys just couldn't be anymore slower." Mom has told us as we tried to catch up with her. I roll my eyes at her while I share a look with David. "At least we're aren't as slow as you mom. You always act like your going to step on a bomb with the pace you go." David and I snicker while mom just glared at us. But you could tell she is being playful about it. "You were right about her. She is like an exact replica of you when you were that age." David tells her while chuckling because of the face she is making. "How am I like her when she was my age?" I questioned him genuinely curious about what he will say. Him and mom share a look with one another. He turned his head towards me to talk, "Well, when me and the boys had meet your mother and the other girls, some stuff happened. Mac had told the girls they shouldn't be there since baseball was meant for boys and they could get hurt. While he started making jokes about them playing, the others and I laughed at the remarks he had made. And it was funny too most of the things he had said. The girls mocked our laughs as your mom said to us, 'I bet you couldn't hit it.' After some more words were said we all made a bet with each other. The group who won a game would get to stay while the losers were to leave the sandlot." He explained to me as I looked at my mom since that sounded exactly like something I would do to piss someone off. I looked back at David, "Well, than who won the game?" Him and my mom laughed as they most likely thought of the memories, "Actually no one had one the game. Mac had gotten pissed since he blinked while your mom pitched to him which caused him to get a strike. When us boys were talking and the girls laughed with one another I had taken the bat to hit instead, right after some words were exchanged between Mac and Sapphire. But literally every time I hit the ball it would be a foul. I couldn't hit anything else during that game. And went on like that until it was 6 o'clock that night. The next day we had Johnnie, a friend of all of us, go back and forth between the two groups trying to get the girls to leave but they kept refusing. He finally had to have a break and while he was he told us to just share the sandlot and play together. It took some convincing for me to do it but I finally agreed after your mom and I basically had a staring contest." Wow, I thought. That's crazy but it sounds just like them. "Woah, that is probably the only story I had never heard before." I had told him. After I said that he asked what I had meant by that statement. I explained, "My mom and aunts had always told us story about you guys when you were younger. They were basically our bedtime stories as we were growing up. But they never told us about how you guys had meet." He Rose a brow at my mom but she only shrugged at him, "Ok than what was your favorite story about us?" I thought for a moment since there is a lot of great ones. After thinking I spoke up, "Well it's kinda hard to choose since they are all pretty great and I like all of them. But my favorite would have to be when you guys went on the tilt-a-world at the carnival. Mom had said that since the ride was going to fast that it caused Max to throw up. She had said that some of the vomit had landed on her and Sapphire." I chuckled a bit from thinking of the story she had told me about it. Apparently he thought the same thing since he was chuckling as well. "Yeah that was a really funny moment to us." He said still chuckling. Mom just copied our laughing before she spoke in disgust, "Funny my ass. That was the most disgusting to ever happened to me right next to giving birth. It got all over us including our clothes and a lot of sapphire's hair. And we had dressed up that night too." Her telling us that just made us laugh even more than we already were. She just mocked our laughs again. We arrived at the house so I ran up the driveway to the steps of the door taking our my key to get in. I opened the door, not bothering to close it since they were right there, and ran up the stairs to my room to change my outfit into something else.

After I had changed we had left to head to the skating rink

Ουπς! Αυτή η εικόνα δεν ακολουθεί τους κανόνες περιεχομένου. Για να συνεχίσεις με την δημοσίευση, παρακαλώ αφαίρεσε την ή ανέβασε διαφορετική εικόνα.

After I had changed we had left to head to the skating rink. While I was a bit hopeful to run into Matt.
No one's POV
While they were walking to the house Hailey was smiling the whole time. Jasmine and David had laughed and talked like they had known each other their whole lives. And that warmed Hailey's heart since she has always wanted the two to have a great relationship and it seems like they already do.

Sandlot 2: Teenage Pregnancy Όπου ζουν οι ιστορίες. Ανακάλυψε τώρα