Play ball

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Jasmine's POV
When I woke up I went to my bathroom to brush my hair and teeth. After that I went to the kitchen to find mom cooking breakfast and ready for today. I walked over and hugged her. I scared her at first since I usually sleep in for a while. "Hey hunny. How are you feeling?" She asked. I responded, "I'm fine mom. I'm sorry about yesterday though. I shouldn't have ran off like that. But when he called y'all that word I just..I just I don't know kinda lost it." She looked at me for a bit than said, "Jazz its ok I understand. Everyone needs to do that once in a while and proud too of both you and the others for what you I did, sticking up for us. I love you sweetie." I looked at her and smiled, "I love you too mom." And we hugged after that. After we broke apart she spoke, "K now go get ready we are leaving in 10 minutes to go to the sandlot with the others to play ball." I nodded and ran to my room to change and stuff. After I grabbed my glove and put my hair in a ponytail I went to the living room to see mom ready for me. We headed to the sandlot to see we are the first ones there. So me and mom practice our pitching. Next Sapphire and Gracie came to the field and we said hey to each other. Next was Emma and Penny then Breanna and Jenny. "Well I guess we are early what do you guys want to do?" Penny asked. "Baseball." We all said in sync. It was adults vs kids for right now. I walked to the pitchers mound. I got in position and seeing Breanna telling me to throw a curve ball. I throw the ball as the guys walk in talking, nobody saw them except me. Mom missed the ball, "Strike one." Breanna announced. "Hey girls." Tarquell said. I looked over to see David staring at me and my mom, Tarquell staring at Gracie and Sapphire, Saul staring at Emma and Penny, & Mac staring at Jenny and Breanna. "You guys know it's not polite to stare." I told them teasingly. They blushed a bit at and we giggled. We all just stand there. "Well.. what now?" Breanna asked. "How about we all play ball?" Tarquell suggested. We all agreed and I said, "Ok, then adults vs kids." "Umm we would out number you then." David explained to me. I smirked, "Exactly then it will be embarrassing if you 8 adults get beat by 4 kids. So is it a deal?" The adults looked at each other and David nodded. "Ok then you guys bat first." I told them walking to the pitchers mound. The others went to there spot and Mac went up to bat. Breanna got in her spot and started talking to Mac to get him to mess up. [(like how ham did in Sandlot 1)]. When she gave me the look to throw I did, it was a curve ball. He missed the ball by a bit. Every adult looked shocked at this, even our moms. "What the heck was that all about?" Saul wandered. Emma explained, "When we go against people Breanna since she is our behind catcher she distracts the batter. And when they are really not focusing on the ball she will give a look to Jasmine to throw it. And most of the time the person gets out." They looked shocked that we could do that but our moms did something similar to them so they really shouldn't be. "Wow that's kinda smart....for little girls." Mac told us smirking. Me and the girls looked angry at that, now he will pay for saying that. We all put on our innocent faces while slowly walking to him. Our moms give us a knowing look but do not stop, in fact there amused by it. "May please repeat that?!" Gracie asked innocently. Mac smiles and says, "I think you heard me, little girls." I hummed and nod my head a bit and screamed, "Get him!!" to the girls. We all tackled him and did that for few till Jenny picked up Breanna, Saul picked up Emma, Tarquell picks Gracie, and David gets me. "Put us down!" We yelled giggling. Everyone else laughed at that too, even Mac. They put us down but David put his arm around my shoulder, Tarquell did it to Gracie, Saul to Emma, and Mac came over and put his arm around Breanna. I smile up at David with a response of a smile and hug. All us girls lean our head on the guys' sides. "Well we going to play or just stand around?" Sapphire asked. We all go back to our positions and David goes to bat. He gives me a look that says bring it and you best believe I did but it was a foul ball. "Oh lord. Here we go again." Tarquell complained. I just giggled at that and David looked at me with a fatherly look. Finally after a few tries he hit it. It went on like that for a while until it was over. "K guys time to go home." Mom told us. We whined, it's fun out here. "Why mom? Can we just stay for a little while?" I pleaded her. She shook her head no. "Fiiinnnee. Night guys." I told everyone, they waved bye and went there ways. Me and mom were walking and something grabs her by the shoulder, pulling her back. We both screamed and heard laughing. I turn to find David laughing holding mom while she looked like she was about to have a heart attack. We just continued to walk to the house and I went up to my room. I have started to like having David and the others around. I changed into My pjs and went to sleep.

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