I'm Whipped

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Niall’s POV

“Niall let’s go do something!” Harry whines, pulling me back and forth. I roll my eyes and smack him away from me. He’s been like this ever since the girls left to the spa on the floor above us.

“Just wait till Louis is out of the shower.” I remind him.

“He’s taking forever!” He plops down on the bed. “Let’s go shopping for Christmas?” He says in a jolly tone.

“Yeah I still need to buy you all your gifts.” I remember that I haven’t done anything lately.

“Maybe you can even buy Hannaley something.” He throws me one of the pillows on the bed.

“Shut up Harry that can’t happen.” I glare at him for even bringing that idea up.

“You know I can magically get her address and since we happen to be in Maine you can just leave it at her door.” He says with a smirk on his face.

“Maybe, I don’t know.”

“You ready?” Two other voices come into the room. I look to the doorway and standing there are Zayn and Liam.

“No, but I got this one to go with us as well.” Harry points at me. I glare at him for not telling me earlier about the rest of the guys.

"Where are we going mates?" Louis comes into the room. 

"The local mall." Zayn replies. 

I walk over to my luggage and take out my big jumper and put it on. Don't want to catch hypothermia. I grab my wallet and phone, stuffing it into my pockets. 

We all walk out of the room and into the hallway of the hotel. We wait for the elevator and when it finally comes we all pill in it. 

"When are we going to go meet up with that like shit again?" Harry asks me. 

"On Lou's birthday." I reply. "Sorry mate." I look at Louis and give him a sorry look. 

"It's okay." He shrugs. 

We all get out of the elevator once we get to the lobby floor. We all decide on walking there, seeing it wasn't so far away from the hotel. 

"I feel like I haven't seen you all in forever." Louis speaks up while we walk. 

"I know we're always with our girlfriends." Zayn shakes his head. 

"Yeah, but we have time right now." Liam says putting his arm around me. 

"No go hug Dani." I say dramatically. 

"But Ni!" Liam whines. 

"But nothing Liam." I turn around and walk next to Louis. "I found refuge in Louis now." Louis takes this as a chance to wrap his arms around me. 

"That's right!" 

We all start laughing at how dumb we're acting. We walk into the fairly big building. "Do you all want to split up or?" Harry asks. 

"I say we all stay together?" Zayn suggests. 

"Yeah, why not." I shrug. We all agree on going to find the girls presents first. We hit all girly stores, even though we all got strange looks. I may have gotten Hannaley something also. 

 I should really stop doing this to myself. Everyone tells me I’m in denial but to be honest I just really like Hannaley. There’s something about her that I can’t live without. I’m so whipped. 

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