Don't Leave

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I looked up at him. He was looking down at me waiting for an answer. But I couldn’t come up with one. Run away with Niall? Do I want to run away with him?

“What do you say Hannaley?” I snapped out of my thoughts and looked him in the eyes. His eyes were filled with hope.

“I have a home.” I whispered looking down.

“Just for the weekend.” He tried to convince me. “Just me and you. No one else.”

I nodded. “Just this weekend.” I said looking up at him. His lips turned in an upward curve. He leaned down and kissed my forehead. He kept his lips there for a while.

Being in Niall's arms is probably the best feeling ever. I felt comfortable and safe. Just to think a week ago I didn’t want to talk to Niall.

“I know exactly where we are going.” Niall grinned. I nodded and finally pulled away from the hug. Niall intertwined our fingers and we walked over to his car.

“This is going to be an hour long ride.” Niall announced as he took a seat. I nodded and sat down also. He started the car but instead of going back the way we came from he kept on going straight.

Twenty minutes into the car ride, sleep consumed me.


“Hannaley.” A voiced ringed through my ears. “Hannaley.”

I slowly opened my eyes and saw Niall. I smiled at him and got off the car. I took in my surroundings. In front of me was a logged cabin, forest surrounding it. In the far back of the cabin you could see a blue lake.

Niall walked over to the cabin door and opened it. I walked over to him and smiled at him.

“This is my get away.” He smiled back. “No one knows about this place. Not even the boys.”

He walked in and I followed behind him. The cabin looked so comfy and welcoming. There wasn't a couch but there was a big flat screen in front of what looked like a blanket. There was a kitchen to the side filled with hanging pots and pans. Then there was a small hallway with one door. 

"Make yourself at home." Niall laughed. "I know there's not much here." 

I let out a small giggle. "Where's your bathroom?" 

"Inside the bedroom." He pointed towards the door in the hallway. 

I nodded and walked towards it. I opened the door and revealed a white room. The bed had blue comforters and a tv in front of it. To the side there was a closet and to the other side another door. I walked towards the door and opened it. The restroom was pretty big also. There was a big mirror and in front of it was the sink. Around the sink was a toothbrush, toothpaste, gel, deodorant, cologne and a hair dryer? 

I let out a small laugh at this. I looked up and saw my reflection. There was bags under my eyes and a small purple bruise on my cheek. I let out a small groan after I saw my reflection. 

I looked around and saw a cabinet above the toilet. I opened it and there was a more supplies and towels. I got one deciding on taking a shower. 

I turned on the shower and let it heat up. I took off my clothes and unbraided my hair. I walked into the hot steamy shower. I soaked up the warm water. I let my brown hair drench in water. I looked around and saw there was only guys body wash and shampoo. Well this will do, I guess. 

After I was done and out, I realized I didn't have extra clothes at all. All I had was a  towel covering my body.

There was a sudden knock on the door. "Hannaley I have clothes for you outside!" Niall said from the other side.

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