Homecoming Game

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"Why are you in sweats babe?"

"Because no one informed me that we were going to come here." I pouted. I looked ahead of the blonde boy in front of me. People were already walking to find a seat, some were buying food. I'm surprised Niall isn't there at the moment.

"Mr. Styles over there just pulled me out of bed." I glared at the boy flirting with Nicky.

"Well if it makes it better." He said wrapping his arms around me. "You look cute either way." He kisses my forehead.

"Lets go love birds!" Zayn calls us over.

Niall keeps his arm around me and we walk towards the bleachers full of high school students. We look around for the couple and third wheel that is supposed to be saving our seats. Once we find Dani, Liam, and Louis we all walk towards them.

"This is sick!" Liam cheers.

"Ugh I hate football games." Dani groans rolling her eyes.

"I agree." Gwen says from behind of me. "But Michael dragged me out. Something about bringing Kinghill down."

"Oh is that who we're playing against?" I asked. Everyone nods. "No wonder Liv texted me about seeing me tonight."

Speaking of the blonde. "Hanna!"

"Liv!" I cheered. She run ups to me and hugs me. "Where are the rest of the boys?" I whispered.

"Oh they're down there." She whispered back.

We pull away and she goes and says hello to the other girls. I take my seat next to Niall, who may I say looks mighty fine tonight. Rolled up purple flannel, a white tee, denim skinny jeans, and white high top shoes really do suit this boy. Unlike me who's wearing grey sweat pants and Luke's shirt. Fuck! I hope he doesn't notice.

"Do you guys want anything from the snack bar?" Harry asked us. Everyone puts in an order, not letting me speak up. "How about you Hanna?"

Finally. "Some nachos and sour patch kids." I grin at him.

"I'll help you." Niall says from beside me. They get up and walk down the stairs.

"Nice shirt." I look to my side and see Louis.

"Oh um thanks?" I struggle out.

"Cut the shit Hanna I know it's Luke's." He rolls his eyes. "But I really don't mind. I think Niall would though."

"Louis." I whined. "Please don't tell him." I plead.

"I'm kidding of course I won't." He smiles at me, giving me a side hug. "I just want to know how she's doing." His voice goes down to a whisper. He looks down and fiddles with his fingers.

"She's doing fine." I give him a slight smile. "Louis don't do this to yourself." I place my hand on his shoulder. "I know you hate what she's doing but you have to understand her place."

"I'm willing to wait for her Hanna." He looks up at me. "If it's a year or five I'll be there for her."

"Tell her that Lou." I look at the girl sitting next to the boy with the green hair. "Even if she's with him."

He nods and gives me a sad smile. He gets up and walks to his seat.

The football game starts not that I really care. I never went to the games back home. They never caught my attention, only soccer games did.

Five minutes later Niall and Harry came back with our orders on trays. I was given mine first because Niall insisted.

"Thanks babe." I kiss his cheek. I lay back on the railing behind us and watch the game.


"Well if it isn't the little whore." I turn around to be met with a fake bitch. I turn back around and wash my hands.

"Do you want me to fuck you up again?" I look up at her reflection in the mirror.

"Oh that was nothing kitty cat."

"You're fucken stupid you know that Kelly?" I glare at her. "Fucken leave me alone or daddy is going to have to pay for your nose again."

"We'll see who has the last laugh bitch."

I walk out the bathroom but not before flipping her off.

I walk to the table full of tattooed boys and sit next to my blonde boyfriend. Wait no I didn't just say that he's not my boyfriend. Is he?

"What could I get for you guys." The waitress asks us.

"Ten burgers, 5 strawberry milkshakes, 5 chocolate milkshakes, ten large fries, and one salad for the vegetarian." Niall orders.

The waitress leaves saying she'll be back with our orders in a bit. "Alright who's the vegetarian?"

"Me." Nicky raises her hand. "I haven't ate meat since freshmen year."

I give her an impressed look. "That's cool."

A couple of minutes later the waitress comes and gives us our food. We talk about homecoming, which is tomorrow, the after parties and what not. Niall drives me home afterwards and I invite him inside.

"Niall." I sigh. "What are we?"

"Humans." He chuckles.

"I'm being serious."

"Whatever you want us to be." He pulls me closer to him.

"Niall." I whine.

"Do I have to ask you?" He lets out a groan. "Hannaley you're my girlfriend."

"No." I shake my head.

"What why?" He whines.

"You're being forceful Mr. Horan."

"Ugh." He groans into my hair. "Hannaley would you be my girlfriend?"

I let out a laugh and nod. "That's how I like my men."


"When they listen to me." I smirk at him.

"Oh really now?" He raises an eyebrow. Next thing I know I'm pinned down to my bed, almost peeing myself.

"Okay I take that back." I laugh out.

"Better." He says sitting back up. "Now get some rest."

"Stay with me?" I say going under the covers.


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