Soccer Fail

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“Sorry class I was wrong about the project it starts this week.” Mr. Higgins explained. “As this is a physics class we will be doing an egg drop.”

I groaned knowing I couldn’t do this by myself. I would actually need Nialls help.

“You will be using four straws, a cup, four cotton balls, three rubber bands, two paperclips, a piece of cardboard, and three sheets of paper.” He holded up a brown paper bag with the supplies inside. “And at the end of the project you will be doing a write up.” He said handing out the paper by groups.

We were in the science lab “working” on our project. But that’s the exact opposite I want to be doing right now.

I mean sure I gave Niall another chance but I’m talking to Luke and I know Niall doesn’t just wants to be friends. Perrie and Dani constantly remind me.

“He really likes you!” Exclaimed Perrie from my bed.

“No he doesn’t.” I countered.

“He does or he wouldn’t have apologized.” Dani helped Perrie out. “Hanna we know him, he doesn’t apologize to just anyone!”

“So how are we going to do this?” Niall asked me.

I turned my stool to the side so I could see him. White t-shirt and black jeans. His hair was was messy today a total contrast from his quiff.

“Um do you have any ideas?” I asked. He shook his head in response and went over to Louis. Moments later Gwen came over and took a seat where Niall was seated.

“Ditched you?”

I nodded. “Yeah he asked me about it and I asked him for ideas and he left.” I looked at her to see she had a frustrated look on her face. “What happened?”

She looked at me and shook her head. She took a deep breath and told me. “He asked me if I was talking to Michael and I ignored him and walked over here.” She shook her head again. “Like why does he have to care?”

I shrugged. “I don’t know Gwen.”


“Okay class this is your last day use it wisely.”

I turned to look at Niall. “Okay I don’t know about you but I don’t plan to fail this class we either work on this right now or we both fail.”

He looked at me and nodded then walked over to Louis like he usually does everyday. I groaned in frustration.

Why is he doing this? We clearly need this time to do this and he walks away?

“Hi.” I hear a girly voice next to me. I turn to see Jaime next to me.

“Hey Jamie.” I smile at her.

“Hey I was wondering what you were doing after school?” I shrugged knowing I was staying home today. “Great! There’s tryouts for the girls soccer team and I would like you there.”

“I don’t have the appropriate clothes.” I said pointing to my outfit. Ripped jeans with one of Lukes band shirts.

“Don’t worry. I’ll get you shorts and a shirt.” She smiled. I nodded at her and she left.

Jamie, being the captain of the soccer team, was told that I was very good at soccer. How did she know? Well Gwen or Annabelle probably told her.

Since I couldn’t do soccer back in Maine I’m planning on doing soccer here.

The rest of the period was spent talking to Gwen, whose project was already done. I hated how Niall didn’t even try to do anything.

“Mr. Higgins can we do this over the weekend?” Niall asked.

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