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"What's my surprise?" Beyoncé asked as Jay guided her into their home. She was blindfolded so she had no clue what to expect, but she knew she was in her own home just from the scent.

"Wait a second," He mumbled, closing the door behind himself and leading her upstairs, "Watch your step too."

Since she was pretty used to walking in her own home without any lights on, it wasn't hard for her to walk up the stairs. She still held tightly onto his hand just in case.

"Jay, what is it? Why is it taking forever? And why I have to be blindfolded if we're at home?"

He laughed at her sudden outburst of questions, "Didn't you say you wanted this to be a surprise? I'm surprising you, so chill out."

She exhaled sharply as they entered their room. Jay stood behind her, slowly untying the knot in the blindfold to take it off her.

Once the blindfold was off, she opened her eyes and gasped at the surprise. She definitely wasn't expecting it, but she loved it because he had gotten her exactly what she wanted without even asking her.

"Baby," She whined, feeling her eyes become watery. It seemed as if she had been crying the entire day, but for good reasons, "All of this for me?"

Jay nodded his head and stood back as she admired the collection of Hermes Birkin bags. Unbeknownst to her, Jay had spent $350,000 just on purses.

He knew all too well that she had a slight obsession with handbags and shoes. She could never have enough purses so she was thankful for the surprise.

"I know you spent so much money on all of this, but thank you so much baby. You are always spoiling me."

He licked his lips and stared her down as she picked up the one bag he knew she would love. It was orange and the only one of it's kind.

He found himself staring at her with a sudden new admiration now that they were married. He would have never thought that she would be the woman he marry and the mother of his child, but he was glad he had chosen a woman like her to spend the rest of his life with.

"I think I want to take these four to Greece with me," She said, turning to look at him, "We leaving in the morning right?"

He checked the time on his watch and nodded, "Yeah, but we can go out tonight to finish celebrating if you wanted to. It's up to you."

She smiled and nodded her head. Since Adnis was keeping Alani until they returned, she figured it would be the perfect time to enjoy being alone with him.

She spent all of her days being a mother so a little break was well needed. "Okay, we can do that," She said, "But could you call your dad? I just want to check on her."

Jay handed her his phone and went into the bathroom to take a piss while she called his father. They both spent a little time staring at their daughter through the phone screen until Adnis dismissed them.

"Should I keep this on?" She asked. She was dressed in the dress she had worn for their wedding reception. It was satin and white, with a split on the side that showcased her beautiful legs.

"Yeah, I'm fucking wit' it." Jay said, watching as she checked herself out in the mirror. He stood behind her and placed a trail of kisses down her neck to her collar bone.

She let out a soft moan before pulling away. She could tell he was horny, just like she were but they promised to wait until they were in Greece before having sex again.

"You sure?" She questioned, turning to look up at him. Even with heels on, he was still taller than her.

He pulled at the dress and looked down at her, "Yeah because if you take it off, I'm gonna have to break our promise." She busted out laughing and kissed his lips, "I'm serious though. We just got married and we need people to know so keep it on."

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