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two weeks later
date night

"Baby, you ever had this?" Beyoncé asked, showing Jay the complicated French word on the menu

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"Baby, you ever had this?" Beyoncé asked, showing Jay the complicated French word on the menu. He looked to where she was pointing and shook his head.

"Never heard of it."

"Can we get an English menu? I'm so frustrated that I can't read none of this."

All he could do was chuckle at her. It was their weekly date night that he had been anticipating so he wanted to treat her to something nice.

The restaurant was pretty fancy for the most part. Jay had heard of it from other people and thought he'll give it a try. He wasn't expecting everything to be in French though.

Their waitress came back around with their bottle of wine and Beyoncé politely asked for a different menu. Instead, the waitress read everything in English for her — even though that wasn't what she asked, she was okay with the nice gesture.

"Just give me the cajun pasta," She said as the waitress poured the wine in her glass, "It's the only thing that sounds familiar."

After they both ordered, the waitress left their table to give them alone time. The restaurant was to capacity, but Jay somehow was able to get an entire section blocked off for him and his.

Beyoncé never asked how he was able to do things like that. She always was appreciative.

"So how your week being away from me? Ignoring my calls and shit." Jay asked, taking a sip of his wine.

Beyoncé smirked and looked away from his strong glare, "Cas and I had fun, actually. It felt nice not having to drive to work. I would ride with her some days."

"Yeah? Y'all just went to work, that's it?"

She took a sip of her water and stared at him as he stared back at her. "You been watching me, haven't you?"

Jay laughed, "I just know you've been having a lot of fun this past week."

Beyoncé rolled her eyes and gave him a smile, "So how was therapy?"

"You gonna change the topic? Don't do that."

"Baby, you obviously know already if you've been watching me like a creep. We went to a few clubs, that's it."

"If you hadn't been ignoring my calls, I wouldn't have to keep tabs on you."

"So how was therapy?" Beyoncé asked once again. She knew how Jay could get. He would never admit it, but he always felt a type of way about her going out.

She wanted to enjoy herself though, and she did. Her week with Cas was like being in college all over again. They would drink nearly everyday, fall asleep drunk, and do it all over again.

"Therapy is therapy. Not much I can really say about it, but she's definitely digging deep with the shit she asks me."

Beyoncé nodded and looked in the direction of the kitchen. She could sense that her food was coming and that made her extremely excited.

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