Chapter 24

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"Darkness does not always equate to evil, just as light does not always bring good"


Michaels POV -

There was an eerie silence as we all looked confused at the door. Luke's angry curses and banging had eventually ceased and we were left with the silence of wonder.

I went to take a small step towards the door when a panicked scream erupted from Abbie.

Luke, with black eyes, pale skin and visible veins had grabbed Abbie roughly from behind and was dragging her towards the window. He must've turned invisible and got in to the apartment.

His teeth were clenched and his voice was low and scratchy.

Jo, obviously terrified, advanced towards the struggle.

"Jo don't!" I warned "I'm going to distract him! go and get the chloroform from the kitchen cabinet" I said quickly whist running up to Abbie and Luke; to try and prevent him from hurting her.

"What? why is there chloroform is the cabinet?" Jo asked.

"Not now Jo!" I yelled whilst roughly pulling on Luke's collar. He stumbled backwards but still didn't release Abbie from his grip.

"Let go of her!" I yelled whilst trying to pry his strong grip off of Abbie.

"No she's mine!" he sinisterly chuckled and Abbie cried out in reply.

Growing angry, I harshly pulled Luke backwards and Abbie tumbled out of his grip, ripping her dress in the process.

"Abbie run! to the kitchen" i exclaimed whist grabbing Luke once again and forcing him to the ground.

He thrashed around in my grip; wildly throwing punches and curse words. One upper cut just happened to graze my chin sending my head backwards on impact.

Losing my balance for a second, Luke let out an angry yell and lunged for me. I swiftly caught his punches and delivered a harsh blow with my fist into his nose.

His head whipped to the side and his eyes got darker.

"Jo!" I yelled panicked.

"I got it!" she said whilst throwing the soaked cloth in my direction.

I caught it, restrained Luke's punches with one arm whilst placing the cloth over his mouth and nose.

He struggled and thrashed in my grip before it started to grow weak.

His eyes eventually shut but they filled with much more hatred before they actually closed.

I remained tense for a few more minutes; just to make sure that he had actually passed out. After confirming so, I raised to my feet and cautiously walked towards the kitchen.

Jo and Abbie were leant against the counters looking distressed.

"He's knocked out. Should be for a while too." I said and Abbie nodded shakily in reply.

"Are you okay?" I questioned Abbie. She nodded her head slightly before shaking it and bursting into tears.

Jo and I bought her into a hug.

"What did I do? why'd he turn dark?" Abbie questioned whilst crying.

"I expect that after the fire he was on the brink of darkness, and as we watched the news we all assumed that you were all seriously hurt. So, I guess it pushed him over the edge when he couldn't get in contact with you" I explained whilst rubbing her back comfortingly.

"Can we get him back?" Abbie questioned whilst looking up at me with wide eyes.

"I don't know, but we'll try. I promise" I said and hugged her once again; trying to reassure her and I.

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