OVA: Useless

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Hey guys what up? I have a new ova for you guys. So the ovas I will make are about the other characters. Kaniya wont be in the lead role for the ovas. I decided to post it before thanksgiving and yah. And for each ova there will be a new lead character

[Lead Character-Urasuni Akage]

Before I came to Anteiku I used to work for Tsukiyama. As his maid I did many things for him. Bring food, clean his clothes, do chores anf the goes on. He was the only person I could go to because I was too weak to take care of myself.

He also did very perverted things to me as I did what my job was. "Urasuni bring more food." Tsukiyama said as he was sitting at the dining table. I put on a jacket and left the house. During those times I had kill humans and bring them back. Tsukiyama also saved me when I couldnt win.

I found a human that is smoking in an alley way. I pretended to walk right past him. I saw him look at me. "Hey girl, do you wanna have some fun?" he said. I turned around. "Um-" "Dont say anything babe, I already know you'll just say yes."

"But I dont wan-"  "If you dont then JUST DIE!" he said. He pulled out a pocket knife and swinged it. I put my arms over my face to block. Then... Tsukiyama had saved my life once again. He had cut the man with his kagune. 

Tsukiyama was mad. "Cant you do anything?! Whatever you do wherever you go you're helpless. You always need someone to save you! I should just eat you instead!" he yelled. "Im sorry sir... Im too weak to fight." I said crying. "You didnt even know that a knife will just snap in half if it makes contact with a ghoul's skin."

He pushed me into the wall and used his kagune to hold me against the wall. "I will eat you now and here. YOU ALWAYS PISSED ME OFF!!" he said. He opened his mouth and moved his mouth closer to my shoulder ready to take a bite then....

Well that was the end of the ova. Dont worry there will be part 2 for this. I decided to leave this with a cliffhanger because I think it would make it more dramatic

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