A date ahead of an icy curve

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Though Clary had been kinda excited, she had promised Jonathan to stay quiet about his attempt at dating. She could understand that it was the least thing he wanted to have a bunch of nosy curious people bothering him with well meant advice.

Two days after their conversation Jonathan was on the lookout for Clary. After several futile attempts to find her he knocked on Izzy's door.

“Whoever it is with more paperwork, please just burn it. I won't blame you.”

“Hey Izzy, no paperwork but I had hoped, you could tell me where to find Clary.”

“Jonathan, hi. She had asked me for a little space where she can paint something. Apparently it's something Jace shouldn't see, so...”

“That's why I didn't find her in their room or anywhere else she usually stays. I hope, you can tell me where it is.”

“Of course.”

A short while later Jonathan had found Clary in her small “hideout” she used as an impromptu atelier. She spun around when she heard the knock.

“Who is it?”

“Not the one you're hiding from.”

“You know, I'm not actually hiding from him,” she chuckled while opening the door.

“But normally you don't hide your paintings and drawings from him.”

“No, but it should be his Christmas present and not that I wouldn't trust him but believe it or not, Jace can be awfully curious sometimes.”

“Will you let me see it?”

“Unfortunately no cause I won't take any risks to let anyone see it before it's finished.”

“Do you think, I will spoil your secret?”

“Better be safe than sorry. Why you're here?”

“I called Zoé and I thought, you wanted to know how it went.”

“Good you finally called her.”

“You sort of threatened me too.”

“No, I didn't. But tell me everything.”

“First of all she, was very happy that I called.”

“See, I told you this would happen. And did you set up a date? When and what are you going to do? Should I secretly accompany you to make sure, she's not a creep who will murder you in a dark alley?”

“Slow down, lil sis. Yes, we will have a date but she's about to go on vacation to see her family in France. She suggested we see each other as soon as she gets back in January. But we will keep texting throughout the holidays to make some more plans.”

“I'm so happy for you. So, you still have enough time to find out what she likes to do.”

“You will let me go to the date on my own, will you?”

“I know, I may sound like the overprotective clucking hen but I just want you to be happy. And she should know that if she doesn't treat you right, she'll have to deal with my very overprotective side.”

“I heard of stabby Fray.”

“Seems like my reputation travels faster than I thought.”

“Does this surprise you?”

“Not exactly.”

“But I better leave you to your painting.”

“Thank you. I have to hurry a bit cause Jace wants to take me on a date later.”

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