Chapter 51

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Linq turned to look at her. "Did you say something?"

Mintha relaxed and shrugged. "Nope, nothing."

"After a few months in the dungeons you'll agree to be Michael's vessel."

"Don't think so. Besides ..." she grinned. "There's only room in here for one angel."

"One? What are you babbling about?"

"Goodbye, Linq. You were a pain in my feathery ass from the moment Michael shoved you into my garrison."

Linq backed away from her slowly. "Aramintha?"

"Oooh good for you, you got it on the first guess. It's over you little weasel, Michael is going to die and Heaven will be safe from his idiocy."

"You can't! There's no way you can beat Michael, you aren't powerful enough!"

"With his lance all it will take is one little poke and he's toast," she told him with an evil little grin.

Linq backed further away from her, holding his hands out in front of him. "Look, Mintha ... this was all Michael's idea. I swear I was just following orders!"

"Pfft, you worship him. It doesn't matter if he gave you orders or sat there staring at you across his desk, you'd find a way to grovel at his feet and do his bidding because you're a toady and that's all you know how to do."

"I ... I ... please don't kill me!" He screamed, dropping to his knees. "Please!"

"Nope, I'm done with your crap, Linq." She flicked her fingers at him and he vanished. She rubbed her hands together. "Have fun in the bermuda triangle loser!"

She turned and strode back down the hallway to Michael's office. Gabriel popped out of one of the rooms, frowning. "Um, Mintha ..."

She slapped a hand over her eyes. "What is it, Gabe?"

He scratched at his head. "I'm not even sure how I got here this time. One minute I was sitting with Stephanie watching Dallas and then I was here."

Mintha turned slowly to look down the corridor and cursed when she saw Michael striding toward them. "Go, Gabe, get the hell out of here!"

"Right, self preservation kicking in! Adious, sis, good luck!" He took a giant step back through the door behind him and slammed it shut.

Michael stopped several feet away from her, his lance gripped in his hand. "Hello, Aramintha."

She scowled at him. "What are you talking about?"

He snorted. "As if I wouldn't recognize my own sister, even hidden in a Winchester."

With a sigh, she propped a shoulder against the wall and folded her arms over her chest. "So what now, you're going to go all stabby stabby with the lance and end me?"

She watched as he twirled the lance, a lazy smile on his face.

"You could run away."

"And let you have Dale?" She snorted. "As if."

"Awww have you grown attached to the tiny Winchester?"

She shrugged. "She has her charms. Occasionally." Dale nudged her forcefully and grumbled something about big-headed angels.

Michael smirked and raised his lance. "Say goodbye, Aramintha."

"I think you're forgetting one tiny detail, brother dear."

His arm fell to his side and he frowned at her. "And what might that be?"

"Versatile Vessel," she told him, enunciating each word.

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