Chapter 41

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Sam stood at the end of the table waiting for everyone to quiet down. "Okay, so get this ..." He paused, frowning as Wyatt passed Dale a dollar. "What is going on?"

"Oh I bet Wyatt that you'd start off by saying, 'so get this,' he didn't believe me."

Dean chuckled.

"Anyway, we have a job. There's some weird things going on in Virginia City, Nevada. It reminds me of the wishing well thing we encountered in Washington. People getting their wishes granted."

Dean groaned. "Great, so what's the blow back from this one?"

Sam shrugged. "None that I've seen thus far, but we'll need to investigate."

Dean stood. "All right, let's pack up and get going. Dale, Wyatt, Laurel, and Mintha, you'll all be coming with."

Mintha grumbled, with her grace damaged she was going to have to ride in the stupid Impala. She couldn't transport anywhere.

Laurel threw a hand in the air. "Can I take my car?"

"Wait, you don't have a car." Dean's brows drew together.

"Yes I do, it's in the garage." She pointed in the direction of the garage.

"When did you get a car?" Dean asked with a scowl.

"Ya know, one day when I had time," she said, waving a hand in the air.

"And where did the money come from to purchase this car?" Mintha asked.

"Ya know, here and there."

Mintha snorted and looked at Wyatt. "You should do an inventory of all the artifacts, she probably sold some on Ebay."

"I did not! That's rude!" She stood. "I'm taking my car so I don't have to deal with you people."

Mintha sighed. "Thank you, now I don't have to be crammed between these too," she said, gesturing to Sam and Dean.

"Who said you could ride with me?" Laurel asked her.

"The fact that I can vaporize you says I can." Not that she was certain that she still could vaporize anyone with her grae damaged, but they didn't need to know that information.

Laurel grumbled. "Fine, whatever."

Wyatt's hand shot into the air. "Can I ride with Mintha?"

Dale frowned at him. "You're going to leave me alone?"

Dean's eyes narrowed on her. "What exactly is that supposed to mean?"

Laurel smirked at her. "Yeah, Dale, what do you mean by that?"

She slumped in her chair. "Fine, whatever, I'll ride with you guys."

Dean slapped the table. "Great, all settled. Laurel, Mintha, and Wyatt in her car and Sam, me, and Dale in my car. Ten minutes and we roll out!" He left the table to go pack and slowly, the rest of them followed.

They met in the garage.

Dean eyed Laurel's car with a frown. "Seriously?"

"What, you don't approve?"

"I approve of the make and model, not the paint job."

She patted the Impala with a grin. "Isn't she purty?"

Mintha made a face. "Gold?"

"Yes, and check out the hood."

Dean made a gagging sound and went to climb into his car. "Crime against automotive paint jobs," he muttered.

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