Chapter 36

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Aramintha led the others down the block to the corner where Karma stood waiting.

"Karma, good to see you."

Karma waved a hand around. "Yes, of course it is." Her eyes went to the group trailing behind Mintha. "I thought this meeting was for you? Who are all these people?"

"Interested parties," Mintha answered.

Dean snorted. "We're here to help get Noah back." He stared at Karma. She wasn't what he expected. In fact, she wasn't what anyone would probably expect. She was all of four-foot-six, slim, and with eyes that seemed to pierce through your very being.

She eyed him for a moment before refocusing on Mintha. "It took some convincing, but Hades will see you, not sure about them ... but he'll see you."

Mintha smiled. "Thank you, I appreciate your help."

She shrugged. "If Persephone did take Noah, then it was wrong, she knows better. Besides, I like the big guy, he sends me flowers every year for my birthday."

Mintha smiled, that was just like Noah, he remembered everyone. In this case, it was a blessing because it assisted in acquiring Karma's help. "All right, let's go then."

Karma shook her head. "Oh, we aren't going to the Underworld."

Mintha scowled. "I thought he agreed to meet with us?"

"He did." She pointed toward the Denny's on the corner. "He waiting in there. Go in, take a right, corner table in the back."

Mintha sighed, well it was a meeting. It was a start.

"Um, guys, where did Laurel go?" Sam asked from the back of the group.

Mintha's eyes snapped over to the restaurant. She could see the red of Laurel's hair through the window and cursed. "Damn her." She ran toward the door, yanked it open, and hurried through the restaurant to where Laurel sat at the table with Hades.

He looked up as she approached, a smile on his face. "Aramintha!"

She halted, nodding. "Yes. I apologize, Hades, I didn't know she was going to annoy you."

"Hey, that's presumptuous of you!" Laurel said.

Hades nodded. "It rather is. We were having a pleasant conversation, she's an interesting young woman."

Mintha stared at him. Okay, well she had to go with it. "That she is." She took a seat beside Laurel and was vaguely aware of the others taking seats around the table. She remained focused on Hades. "Sir—"

He waved his hand in the air. "Please, we can dispense with any formalities."

"All right, the reason I wanted this meeting was because I suspect Persehpone has taken Noah. Again."

He sighed and pinched the bridge of his nose. "Not again. I've warned her about meddling."

"She agreed after the last time to leave him alone."

He nodded. "Yes, I know."

She waited, but he said nothing further. "Could you help us get him back?"

He hesitated. "I'd love to help, but I don't want to upset my wife, she can be a bit touchy when it comes to her domain."

Dean scowled. "So, you agree it's wrong but you're going to wuss out when it comes to actually doing anything?"

Hades sat forward. "You dare speak to me so insolently?"

"I dare because it's true and we both know it." Dean folded his arms over his chest and stared steadily at Hades.

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