Chapter 49

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Lucifer sunk in his chair, frowning at Mintha. "Yeah, Michael's going to kill us. It will never work."

"Gabriel, what do you think?" Mintha asked.

He looked up. "Huh?"

She pinched the bridge of her nose. "About the plan, what do you think?"

"Oh, uh ... yeah, what he said. We're gonna die. Epically, but die all the same." With a shrug he looked back down at the tablet he held in his hands.

Mintha could hear the M.A.S.H. theme music, she leaned across the table and snatched the tablet form his hands. "Pay attention! We need a plan or Michael is going to end up controlling everything! Heaven and Earth!"

Gabriel shrugged and held out his hand. "Gimmie. I was watching that."

"Gabriel! We have work to do!" she insisted.

"Work on what, dying? We can't beat Michael, we all know that. Especially if he has his lance. I've already died once ... uh twice? I've lost count. But I do know I don't want to do it again."

"Fine, then someone tell me what we're supposed to do?" She tossed the tablet at him. He caught it with a grin.

Dean glared around the table, lingering on Lucifer and Gabriel. "If we could get the lance back we'd have a chance. Without it ..." He shrugged.

Mintha groaned and dropped into a chair. "So we just give up?"

Dale sighed. "We do have one advantage."

Sam frowned at her. "We aren't using you."

"What other choice do we have? No one is powerful enough to beat Michael, but if Mintha uses me maybe we can win. It might be our only hope."

"It's a crappy hope," Wyatt said with a frown. "Michael is going to kill you."

Laurel looked from Wyatt to Dale. "He's right, you might die. You could also win and put an end to Michael."

"Exactly. If we have the chance to win we should take it. Dean's right, without the lance we have very little chance of winning. If Mintha possess me then we'd at the very least, have the element of surprise. It's a small chance but we might be able to use it to our advantage."

"In that case, maybe I should possess you. I am more powerful," Lucifer told Dale.

"That isn't going to happen," Sam snapped. "We know you won't leave once this is over."

Lucifer pouted. "You're very mean, Sammy. How is it after all the time we've spent together you don't trust me?"

Sam snorted. "It's because of the time we've spent together that I don't trust you."

"Wounded. I'm so wounded."

"Dammit, Luci, behave," Mintha snapped. "Look, we need a plan. This is getting us nowhere."

"I've got an idea," Wyatt said, raising his hand.

Mintha sat forward. "All right, let's hear it and put your hand down."

Wyatt's hand dropped. "Um, right ... I don't want Dale to die, but she might be right. Having you possess her might be our only chance to surprise Michael and win this fight. I think we can take him by surprise, enough that we can win." He looked at Mintha. "If what you say is true and Michael won't know you've taken Dale as a vessel, we can use that to our advantage."

"Dale can't just show up with Gabriel and Lucifer, Michael will know something is up. Especially if I'm not there too. He'll know Lucifer and Gabriel wouldn't confront him alone," Mintha pointed out. "And he'll know Dale is a versatile vessel, he'll suspect that Dale isn't Dale."

"So we make him think taking Dale is his idea. Only it will be you." Wyatt grinned at everyone.

"Your idea is to have me possess Dale and get myself kidnapped by Michael and what, exactly? Take him on alone?"

"Well ... it was just a thought."

Lucifer drummed his fingers on the table. "If Michael nabs Mintha, thinking it's Dale, there's no way we could get into Heaven to help. He'll lock everything down to keep those two from coming after Dale," he said pointing at Sam and Dean.

"Uh, yeah, I can get us in," Gabriel told them.

Phinnie chuckled. "Gabe, how will you manage that?"

"Oh, I have several back ways into Heaven. How do you think I managed to get in and out without anyone seeing me?"

"You mean how you managed to sneak all your little creations out of Heaven before Dad erased them from existence?" Mintha asked with an arched brow.

"Hey, the platypus deserved to live just as much as the other animals," he protested.

"And the bigfoot?" Mintha asked.

"Hey, leave them out of this!" Gabriel replied grumpily.

"Wait, bigfoot is real?" Wyatt asked, leaning closer to Gabriel.

"Oh, yeah, there's an entire little village of them. They stay out of sight, for the most part. Except for Frank, he tends to wander. Too curious for his own good."

Mintha snorted. "Dad never should have let you create anything. Back to our disaster of a plan. How do we get Michael to nab Dale once she's my vessel."

"Oh, that's the easy part. He has that idiot Linq and a few angels watching the bunker all you have to do is stumble across them and knowing that moron he'll nab you to keep you from running back to the bunker and telling on them" Wyatt told her.

Mintha scowled at Wyatt. "Exactly how do you know Linq is watching the bunker?"

He shrugged. "I don't know, I just know he's out there. Angel radar?"

Mintha grinned. "All right, I possess Dale, get myself nabbed by Linq and taken to Michael in Heaven, then you guys slip through one of Gabriel's back doors into Heaven and we kick Michael's ass."

"There's a lot that can go wrong with that," Dean told her.

"Yup, we could all die," she told him with a smirk. She flipped open her notebook. "I did finish the anti-angel possession tattoo."

"Which we don't need if you're going to possess me." Dale sat back with a grin.

"No, but if Michael somehow manages to separate the two of us, you should know how what it looks like. I hear you're handy with a sharpie."

Dale grinned. "Heard about that did you?"

Mintha nodded.

"Doesn't Michael need my permission to use me as a vessel?"

"He does, but he's a tricky bastard. He could have you saying yes before you realize it." Mintha sat back in her chair, considering everything.

It was a foolhardy plan. Anything could go wrong. Everything could go wrong. Not only could she and Dale end up dead, everyone else could as well. If Michael won it wasn't going to be good for anyone. If this was their only chance then they would be foolish not to take it.

Maybe they were foolish to think it was going to work or to think it wouldn't work. She wasn't certain. But she couldn't sit back and let Michael take over everything.

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