Chapter 30

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Mintha knocked on Michael's door and he called for her to enter.

"Hello, little sister, ready to accept my offer?"

She took a seat before his desk with a sigh. "If I do then no more bickering. No more backstabbing and I will not be your personal errand girl, just as I won't be for the Winchesters. I'm here to work with you not for you. Do we have an understanding?"

He grinned. "We do." He held out a piece of paper to her. "It's good to have you back, Aramintha."

She glanced at the paper with a frown. "You're attempting to find where Lucifer is hiding out so you can jump-start the apocalypse."

"Read the entire thing."

Her eyes widened. "Your lance? It's been lost since—"

He nodded and cut her off. "I'm aware of how long it's been missing. If I'm going to defeat Lucifer I need it."

"You're more powerful than he is, you don't need the lance to defeat him."

He shrugged. "I'd rather have the advantage, Lucifer is slippery."

"Excellent point." She stood. "I'll start searching for it."

She turned to leave the office and prayed the damn thing remained missing.

"Oh, and Aramintha ..."

She turned back to him. "Yes?"

"It better not be hanging out in that office of yours."

She smiled sweetly at him. "You've seen my office, Michael, there's nothing hiding in there."

He nodded and she left the office, returning to her own, she made a quick copy of his little memo and tossed it through the vortex that led to the bunker.


Dean grabbed the vacuum tube when it hit the table. "Let's hope she has some information for us this time."

Sam nodded. "What does it say?"

Dean grinned. "Michael is trying to find Lucifer so he can jump start the apocalypse again, he's also looking for his lance." He looked at his brother.

Sam leaned back. "Going to be really hard for him to find it since it's here and also broken into two pieces."

Dean chuckled. "Hell yeah. Looks like we've finally gotten the upper hand on him."

"Unless he finds Luci, then we have a problem. He doesn't need the lance to wipe out Lucifer, we know that," Sam pointed out.

Dale frowned at them both. "Michael has a lance?"

"Yup, nasty piece of work. Kills the bad quickly and the good painfully slow. We stumbled across it, Cas was stabbed with it." He sighed. "We nearly lost him. The magic was in the inscriptions on it. Once it was broken it lost its power."

"And your angelic buddy lived, of course or he couldn't herd me to you?" Dale asked.

He nodded.

"So, where is the thing now."

Sam rose and left the room, he came back several minutes later carrying the two pieces of the lance and laid it on the table. "Two pieces and useless."

Wyatt entered the room. "I finished cataloging those files, Mintha's name is in there a lot by the way. She was a very active member of the Letters at one time."

"So we realized already," Dean replied.

Wyatt poked at a piece of the lance. "Is this another artifact that needs to be cataloged? Why is it in two pieces?" He leaned closer. "These markings are very interesting." He picked up the two pieces and stuck them together so he could study the markings. There was a flash of light and he squealed, letting go of the lance and then dropping to his hands and knees before crawling under the table. "We're all gonna die!" he screeched.

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