Chapter 50

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Mintha stared at her reflection in the mirror in her room. "This is disturbing on so many levels. Are we sure this is a good idea, or even a semi-decent one?"

Dean had a shoulder propped against the wall, arms folded over his chest, and a scowl on his face. "This is worse than when that shape shifter was imitating me."

Mintha turned to him, her head tipped to the side slightly as if she were listening to something. "Dale says she wants to hear that story."

Dean snorted. "Not likely."

Noah bent and lifted Mintha's unconscious vessel from the floor and placed the body on the bed. "I agree, this is disturbing. I've grown very used to your vessel. Seeing you as Dale is strange."

Mintha sighed. "We don't really have a choice. This isn't any easier for me. How do you think I feel staring at Dale's face in the mirror?"

"Look, it doesn't matter we need to get you into Heaven and get rid of Michael before something goes wrong."

"Really, Sam? Let's not buy us any trouble," Mintha told him with a frown.

He shrugged. "Let's face it, something always goes wrong."

"Yeah, great. Someone go fetch Lucifer and Gabriel and get our butts into Heaven." Mintha waved Sam from the room.

Wyatt was standing quietly staring at Mintha.

"Stop staring at me, Wyatt," Mintha muttered.

Laurel chuckled. "You are currently possessing his girlfriend, what do you expect him to do?"

Her shoulders slumped. "Right."

Lucifer strolled into the room all grins. "So, what are we waiting for? Let's do this, Minty!"

"Do not call me Minty or I'll find a way to vaporize you without jeopardizing our plan."

Lucifer frowned, looking from Dale to the body of Mintha's vessel lying on the bed. "Someone want to fill me in? I'm a little vague on the plans here."

Mithna grabbed his arm and shoved him out of the bedroom. "Just move it, Luci."

They met Gabriel in the hallway. "Whoa, Dale actually let you possess her. Cool!"

"Just get us into heaven!" Mintha snapped.

"Right, follow me everyone!" Gabriel marched down the hallway, up the stairs and out of the bunker.

Dean was still scowling. "Where are we going, Gabriel?"

"Just a little further!" Gabriel called back as he led them through the trees.

"Oh, I don't think you're going anywhere!" Linq said as he stepped out of the trees, backed up by two dozen angels.

Mintha put her hands to her face in mock horror. "Oh, dear me, what are we going to do?"

Linq curled his lip at her. "Why is the mini Winchester here? Where's Aramintha?"

Luci raised a hand and Linq frowned at him.

"What do you want, Satan?"

"I take offense to that. Mintha is toast. I got sick of her imperious attitude and snappy comebacks. Snappy comebacks are my thing." Lucifer grinned. "I convinced these idiots we could take on Michael without her and well, here we are. Why are you here, errand boy?"

Gabriel stuck his tongue out at Linq and vanished, taking Sam and Dean with him.

Lucifer shook his head. "See, too much talking you gave Gabriel a chance to get away. Since you're the errand boy, take us to Michael. The least we can do is let him know Mintha's dead and give him the tiny Winchester as a gift."

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